PC GBR Henley Regatta rowing cartoons by B. Cookson - A Leander Club M8+ on the back of a hippopotamus (= Leander mascot)
PC GBR Henley Regatta rowing cartoons by B. Cookson - Cox disguised as an Indian orders his crewmates to use their oars as paddles
PC GBR Henley Regatta rowing cartoons by B. Cookson - Cox of an 8+ flourishing a giant whip
PC GBR Henley Regatta rowing cartoons by B. Cookson - Exhausted and disappointed M8+ crew with No. 6 threatening to shoot himself
PC GBR Henley Regatta rowing cartoons by B. Cookson - Old Masters carrying a super large coffin at a funeral
PC GBR Jester Comicard °She's only interested in our cox!°
PC GER °Einskuller° (capsized sculler) - comic drawing
PC GER °Finish° - comic drawing
PC GER Cartoon "Der Rudersport" Serie IV - "Don't laugh, otherwise I'll capsize" (PU 1920 in SUI)
PC GER Cartoon "Der Seelen-Verkaeufer" (PU 1913)
PC GER cartoon with sculler on cascade - Verlag Arno Pries
PC GER comic drawing °The conspiracy against the directory° (PU 1901)
PC GER comic drawing °Wet greetings° - pictures with play on German rowing phrases (PU 1901)
PC GER comic drawing by W. Moese
PC GER comic drawing Verlag Arno Pries No. 02 - °Hip, Hip, Hurrah! Heftige Biergrüsse! (= passionate beer greetings)°
PC GER comic drawing Verlag Arno Pries No. 04 - °Der Race-Knueppel° (undivided back = pre 1905)
PC GER comic drawing Verlag Arno Pries No. 05 - °Der heimkehrende Sieger (= the winner coming home)°
PC GER comic drawing Verlag Arno Pries No. 07 °Gruss vom End-Spurt° (= greetings from the final spurt)
PC GER comic drawing Verlag Arno Pries No. 09 - °Der Salonruderer° (PU)
PC GER comic drawing Verlag Arno Pries No. 10 °Der Ruderer bei der Arbeit° (= the oarsman doing his work)
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