Clubs, Schools and Universities - AUT
A rowing club boathouse image should be identifiable as such at the first glance. Just a building with no boats, flags or other signs of the sport is only sufficient if the construction of the boathouse is exceptional.
Cachet AUT 1993 Wiener RC Donaubund 75 years
Cinderella AUT RV Ellida Wien
Cinderella AUT Wiener RC Donau
Cinderella AUT Wiener RK °Triton°
Label AUT 1927 Wiener RV "Donauhort" 60th anniversary
Label AUT Wiener RK °Donau° (founded 1889)
Medal AUT 1959 - 50th anniversary Wiener RK °Argonauten° 1909-1959
PC AUT - now CZE - Hruschau RC °Oderhort° boathouse (undivided back = pre 1905)
PC AUT Bruenner RC °Bruna° - boathouse °Steinmuehle° (PU 1906)
PC AUT Bruenner RV (PU 1905)
Advertising sample of a printing-house
in Meissen (GER)
PC AUT Linzer RV °Ister° (undivided back = pre 1905)
PC AUT Wiener RV °Donauhort° (PU 1898)
Second oldest Rowing Club in Vienna,
founded 1867. The correct name is
"Ruderverein" (not "Ruder-Club")
PC AUT Wiener RV Donauhort
Pin AUT - now CZE - Leitmeritz RV °Germania° (founded 1885)
Pin AUT Linz RV °Wiking° (founded 1900)
Pin AUT Wiener RK °Triton° (founded 1894, merged in Wiener Ruder-Klub °Pirat° 1939)
PM AUT 1963 June 22nd Vienna - Erster Wiener RC LIA centenary 1863-1963
PM AUT 1985 June 1st Vienna 1 + 2 - STAW Wien 50th anniversary