Clubs, Schools and Universities - FRA
A rowing club boathouse image should be identifiable as such at the first glance. Just a building with no boats, flags or other signs of the sport is only sufficient if the construction of the boathouse is exceptional.
Sticker FRA °AVIRON DU SCORFF° (RC at Lorient, Bay of Biscay between Brest and Nantes)
Sticker FRA Aviron Balaruc
Sticker FRA Aviron Carcassone
Sticker FRA Aviron Clairacais
Clairac is situated 93 km southeast of Bordeaux
Sticker FRA Aviron Club de Joinville
Sticker FRA Aviron Club Décinois, Décines-Charpieu (founded 1928)
Décines-Charpieu is situated 10 km east of Lyon
Sticker FRA Aviron Club du Bocage Vendeen
Sticker FRA Aviron Club Pays Viennois
Sticker FRA Aviron Marne & Joinville
Sticker FRA Aviron Roanne Le Coteau
Sticker FRA Aviron Toulousain (founded 1979)
Sticker FRA Cercle d'Aviron Polynésien Marara Tahiti
Sticker FRA Cercle Nautique de Meaux Aviron
Meaux is situated 40 km east of Paris
Sticker FRA Cercle Nautique de Melun
Sticker FRA Cercle Nautique Mimizan
Sticker FRA Chambery le Bourget du Lac
Sticker FRA Choisy Aviron Club 94
Sticker FRA Club d'aviron de Cambrai (founded 1884)
Sticker FRA Montagis Gatinais Aviron Club (ACMG, founded 1979)
Montagis is situated about
70 km south of Paris
Sticker FRA Reims Cercle Nautique des Régates Rérmoises
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