Clubs, Schools and Universities - GER
A rowing club boathouse image should be identifiable as such at the first glance. Just a building with no boats, flags or other signs of the sport is only sufficient if the construction of the boathouse is exceptional.
PC GER 1909 Hameln RC Oberrealschule - inaugural ceremony of boathouse
PC GER 1927 - M8+ crew German champion Koelner RG 1891
PC GER 1985 - Painting °Anrudern° by Irmgard v. Oertel - Muenchener Ruder- und Segelverein °Bayern°
PC GER 2016 Muenster Akademische Ruderverbindung Westfalen 125th anniversary
PC GER Aryser RV - boathouse
PC GER Bamberg RC 1884 - boathouse (PU 1917)
PC GER Bamberger RV v. 1905 - boathouse
PC GER Berlin Akademische Rudergesellschaft zu Berlin (founded 1905)
PC GER Berlin Jungdeutschland-RV (PU 1917)
PC GER Berlin RC °Titania° - boathouse (PU 1940)
PC GER Berlin Reichsbank RV (undivided back = pre 1905)
This boathouse was built in 1912. It was
destroyed by bombs during the Second
World War and not rebuilt.
PC GER Berlin Ruderklub am Wannsee - boathouse 1960
PC GER Berlin RV "Friesen" - boathouse (used 1921)
PC GER Berlin RV °Vorwaerts° (founded 1892) - boathouse (PU 1899 + 1900))
PC GER Berlin RV °Vorwaerts° 1932 with imprint °40 years Vorwaerts° on back
PC GER Berlin RV Freiheit - Anrudern (opening of the rowing season) 1903 May 3rd - hand-painted, PU 1903
PC GER Berlin RV Siemens - boathouse
PC GER Berlin Spindlersfelder RV °Sturmvogel° (PU 1901)
PC GER Berlin Turn- und Ruderverein °Deutschland° (PU 1911)
PC GER Berlin Turngemeinde in Berlin (T.i.B.) boathouse Ruder-Riege Wannsee
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