Clubs, Schools and Universities - GER
A rowing club boathouse image should be identifiable as such at the first glance. Just a building with no boats, flags or other signs of the sport is only sufficient if the construction of the boathouse is exceptional.
Sticker GER Giessener RC "Hassia" (founded 1906)
Sticker GER Hamburg Erster Coastal Ruderclub
Sticker GER Hamburg, Der Hamburger und Germania RC (founded 1836)
Sticker GER Hameln Ruderverein "Weser" von 1885
Sticker GER Kassel, RV Cassel (founded 2010)
The former RV Cassel (founded 1890)
was dissolved in 2008
Sticker GER Mindener RV
Sticker GER Muenchener Ruder- und Segelverein °Bayern° von 1910
Sticker GER Muenster Akademischer RV °Westfalen°
Sticker GER Neusser RV centenary (founded 1914)
Sticker GER Oldenburger RV
Sticker GER Osnabrueck Gymnasium Carolinum
Sticker GER Ratzeburger RC
Sticker GER Ruedersdorfer RV Kalkberge
Sticker GER Schweriner RG
Sticker GER Stuttgart-Cannstadter RC von 1910
Sticker GER Witten RC
Sticker GER Wuerzburg ARC (= Academic RC)
TC GER 1997 O 1042 - 09.97 1000 DTMe - RTHC Bayer Leverkusen
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