Clubs, Schools and Universities - GER
A rowing club boathouse image should be identifiable as such at the first glance. Just a building with no boats, flags or other signs of the sport is only sufficient if the construction of the boathouse is exceptional.
PC GER Hannover Herschelschule - boathouse
PC GER Hannover-Linden Rudergesellschaft von 1899 - boathouse (PU 1926)
PC GER Hannoverscher RC - 20th foundation festival 1880-1900 (PU 1900)
PC GER Hannoverscher RC von 1880 (PU 1929)
PC GER Heilbronner RG Schwaben
PC GER Kiel - boathouse Erster Kieler RC (founded 1862)
PC GER Kiel - Rg.R.C. Neptun-Aegir (founded 1903 - now: RGRC Aegir) - PU 1905
School rowing club of Humboldt-Schule Kiel
PC GER Kitzinger RV 1897 - boathouse
PU 1941
PC GER Koelner RV 1877 - drawing of boathouse with 4+ crew in foreground
PC GER Koelner RV 1877 - interior of boathouse
Gesellschaftszimmer - Grosses Klubzimmer
Zimmer der Segler-Riege
PC GER Konstanz RV Neptun boathouse (PU 1961)
PC GER Leipzig RV °Sturmvogel° - boathouse
PC GER Libau (now Liepaja, LAT) - Der Ruderclub
PC GER Lingener RG - boathouse (PU 1972)
PC GER Ludwigshafener RV (both cards PU 1898)
PC GER Luebecker RG von 1885 - two different views of boathose
The card on the left was postally used in 1902, the one on the right in 1910 -
PC GER Magdeburger RC - boathouse (PU 1913)
PC GER Magdeburger RC - boathouse (PU 1942)
PC GER Mainzer RV - boathouse (PU 1896)
PC GER Mainzer RV - etching of boathouse
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