Clubs, Schools and Universities - GER
A rowing club boathouse image should be identifiable as such at the first glance. Just a building with no boats, flags or other signs of the sport is only sufficient if the construction of the boathouse is exceptional.
PC GER Offenbacher RV 1874 - boathouse (PU 1898)
PC GER Passauer RV 25th anniversary 1899 (PU 1900)
PC GER Posener RV °Germania° - boathouse (PU 1916)
PC GER Ratzeburg - Ruderakademie
PU 1972
Training centre of the German Rowing Federation since 1968 -
PC GER Ratzeburger RC - boathouse
PC GER Rheine Ruder-, Hockey-, Tanzsport-Club von 1901 (PU 1961)
PC GER Riesa RV - boathouse
PC GER Ruesselsheim Ruderverein - boathouse (PU 1937)
PC GER Schoenebeck RC °Victoria° - boathouse (PU 1915)
PC GER Schwerin RC °Obotrit° - Greetings from the fairy-tale festival (PU 1897)
PC GER Schwerin RC Obotrit - boathouse (PU 1898)
PC GER Schwerin RV °Vorwaerts° von 1875 - boathouse (reprint)
PC GER Schwerin with small drawings of boathouses RV Schwerin & RV °Vorwaerts° (PU 1898)
PC GER Schweriner RG (reprint)
PC GER Speyer RG 1883 - boathouse (PU 1900)
PC GER Speyer RG 1883 (boathouse)
PC GER Starnberg - Muenchener RC 1880 boathouse (undivided back = pre 1905)
PC GER Strassburg Rowing Club (founded 1879) - now FRA (undivided back = pre 1905)
From 1871 - 1919 Strasbourg was German territory. The club kept its name - now Rowing Club de Strasbourg
PC GER Weissenfelser RV - founded 1884 (undivided back = pre 1905)
Weissenfels is a town in Sachsen-Anhalt
at the river Saale, 30 km southwest of Leipzig
PC GER Wiesbaden-Biebrich RG - boathouse (PU pre 1945)
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