Clubs, Schools and Universities - GER
A rowing club boathouse image should be identifiable as such at the first glance. Just a building with no boats, flags or other signs of the sport is only sufficient if the construction of the boathouse is exceptional.
PC GER Wilhelmshavener RC boathouse (PU 1940) - addressee: Dr. Walter Wuelfing, president of the German Rowing Federation (DRV) 1949-1966
PC GER Witten RC centenary 1892-1992 - Painting of boathouse area
PC GER Wittenberger RC - boathouse
PC GER Worms RC - drawing of new boat-hall
PC GER Worms RG - boathouse & club emblem (PU 1907)
PC GER Zuellichau RV °Ostmark° - Oberweinberge at Oder river with boathouse in background (PU 1927)
PC URS Koenigsberg (GER, now Kaliningrad) RV °Prussia° (founded 1902) boathouse - reprint 1990
Pin GER Andernach RV °Rhenus° (founded 1910) #Coll. HS#
Pin GER Aschaffenburg RC 1898 #Coll. HS#
Pin GER Bad Ems RV (founded 1896)
Pin GER Bad Wimpfen RV (founded 1923)
Pin GER Berlin "Astoria"-Rudergemeinschaft in der Berliner Turnerschaft #Coll. HS#
Pin GER Berlin Akademischer Turnverein zu Berlin Ruder-Riege (founded 1896) #Coll. HS#
Pin GER Berlin Frauen-RC °Wannsee° #Coll. MM#
Pin GER Berlin RC °Saffonia° #Coll. MM#
Pin GER Berlin RC Tegel 1886 #Coll. HS#
Pin GER Berlin RK am Wannsee
Pin GER Berlin Rudervereinigung Hellas-Titania (founded 1883)
Pin GER Berlin Rudervereinigung von 1878
Pin GER Berlin RV Collegia 1895
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