Clubs, Schools and Universities H-G-I
A rowing club boathouse image should be identifiable as such at the first glance. Just a building with no boats, flags or other signs of the sport is only sufficient if the construction of the boathouse is exceptional.
PC GBR Wallingford RC (PU 1965)
PC GER Hameln RC Oberrealschule 1909 - inaugural ceremony of boathouse
PC GER 1906 - 7th German national championships at Koenigsberg - M8+ champion crew Berliner RV 1876
PC GER 1927 - M8+ crew German champion Koelner RG 1891
PC GER 1985 - Painting °Anrudern° by Irmgard v. Oertel - Muenchener Ruder- und Segelverein °Bayern°
PC GER 2016 Muenster Akademische Ruderverbindung Westfalen 125th anniversary
PC GER Aryser RV - boathouse
PC GER Bamberg RC 1884 - boathouse (PU 1917)
PC GER Bamberger RV v. 1905 - boathouse
PC GER Berlin Akademische Rudergesellschaft zu Berlin (founded 1905)
PC GER Berlin Jungdeutschland-RV (PU 1917)
PC GER Berlin RC °Titania° - boathouse (PU 1940)
PC GER Berlin Reichsbank RV (undivided back = pre 1905)
This boathouse was built in 1912. It was
destroyed by bombs during the Second
World War and not rebuilt.
PC GER Berlin Ruderklub am Wannsee - boathouse 1960
PC GER Berlin RV "Friesen" - boathouse (used 1921)
PC GER Berlin RV °Vorwaerts° (founded 1892) - boathouse (PU 1899 + 1900))
PC GER Berlin RV °Vorwaerts° 1932 with imprint °40 years Vorwaerts° on back
PC GER Berlin RV Freiheit - Anrudern (opening of the rowing season) 1903 May 3rd - hand-painted, PU 1903
PC GER Berlin RV Siemens - boathouse
PC GER Berlin Spindlersfelder RV °Sturmvogel° (PU 1901)
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