Clubs, Schools and Universities H-G-I
A rowing club boathouse image should be identifiable as such at the first glance. Just a building with no boats, flags or other signs of the sport is only sufficient if the construction of the boathouse is exceptional.
PC GER Hamburger RC °Allemannia von 1866 - boathouse (PU 1907)
PC GER Hamburger RV - boathouse at the Alster (PU 1907)
PC GER Hameln RV °Weser° von 1885 - boathouse
PU 1937
PU 1917
PC GER Hanauer RG von 1879 - boathouse
PC GER Hannover Akademischer RV (PU 1912)
PC GER Hannover Akademischer RV (PU 1912)
The club was founded in 1886 - now Rudergemeinschaft Angaria Hannover -
PC GER Hannover Akademischer RV (PU 1913) - 4+ crew launching their boat
PC GER Hannover Herschelschule - boathouse
PC GER Hannover-Linden Rudergesellschaft von 1899 - boathouse (PU 1926)
PC GER Hannoverscher RC - 20th foundation festival 1880-1900 (PU 1900)
PC GER Hannoverscher RC von 1880 (PU 1929)
PC GER Heilbronner RG Schwaben
PC GER Karlsruhe RV "Sturmvogel" (founded 1894 and merged 1919 into Karlsruher RV Wiking 1879)
undivided back = pre 1905
PC GER Kiel - boathouse Erster Kieler RC (founded 1862)
PC GER Kiel - Rg.R.C. Neptun-Aegir (founded 1903 - now: RGRC Aegir) - PU 1905
School rowing club of Humboldt-Schule Kiel
PC GER Kitzinger RV 1897 - boathouse
PU 1941
PC GER Koelner RV 1877 - drawing of boathouse with 4+ crew in foreground
PC GER Koelner RV 1877 - interior of boathouse
Gesellschaftszimmer - Grosses Klubzimmer
Zimmer der Segler-Riege
PC GER Konstanz RV Neptun boathouse (PU 1961)
PC GER Leipzig RV °Sturmvogel° - boathouse
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