Clubs, Schools and Universities H-G-I
A rowing club boathouse image should be identifiable as such at the first glance. Just a building with no boats, flags or other signs of the sport is only sufficient if the construction of the boathouse is exceptional.
Medal GDR 1982 - 100 years ROWING in Meissen
Meissen is situated 25 km northwest of Dresden Meissner RC "Neptun" was founded in 1882
Medal GER Cologne Regatta 1934 (Koelner RG 1891)
Medal GER Floersheim Regatta 1958
Medal GER Giessen Regatta 1952 (75th anniversary of Giessener Rudergesellschaft 1977)
Medal GER Mannheimer Regatta-Verein 1928 - 45th Oberrheinische Regatta & Jubilee Regatta Ludwigshafener RV
50th anniversary Ludwigshafener RV (founded 1878) -
Medal GER Stuttgart Regatta 1922 (organized by Stuttgarter Rudergesellschaft 1899)
Medal GER Bremer Ruderverein von 1882 - regatta for boys and girls 10-14 years old
Medal GER Bremer RV von 1882
Medal GER Eberbach Regatta 1978 + 1979, organized by RG Eberbach 1899
The Eberbach coat of arms is a boar -
Medal GER Floersheim Regatta 1958 (50th anniversary of Floersheimer Ruderverein 1908)
Floersheim on the Main river is situated between Mainz and Frankfurt on the Main
Medal GER Giessen Regatta 1929 with flag (pin) Giessener Rudergesellschaft 1877
Medal GER Hamburg RC Favorite Hammonia
Medal GER Heilbonner Rudergesellschaft Schwaben 1979 (centenary)
Medal GER Hoya Regatta 1971
Medal GER Ingolstadt Regatta 1978, organized by Donau-Ruder-Club
Medal GER Mainz International regatta 1957 + 1959 (organized by Mainzer Ruderverein)
Medal GER Mainzer Internationale Regatta 1938 (Mainzer RV 60th anniversary 1878-1938)
Medal GER Meissen RC Neptun 40th anniversary 1882-1922
Medal GER Meissen RC Neptun 40th anniversary 1882-1922 with gold coloured star, laurel and rim
Medal GER Munich Veterans (= Masters)-Regatta with logo of Rudergesellschaft Muenchen 1972
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