Clubs, Schools and Universities H-G-I
A rowing club boathouse image should be identifiable as such at the first glance. Just a building with no boats, flags or other signs of the sport is only sufficient if the construction of the boathouse is exceptional.
PC GER Essen-Huegel WSV Krupp - boathouse (PU 1931)
PC GER Essen-Werdener RC - boathouse (PU 1913 + 1922)
The Werdener RC was founded 1896. Werden is now part of Essen, and therefore
the club was renamed in "Essen-Werdener Ruder-Club von 1896".
PC GER Frankenthaler RV (undivided back = pre 1905)
PC GER Frankfurt a. O. - boathouses at the Old Oder river (RV von 1889 on the left)
PC GER Frankfurt-Main RC Nassovia Hoechst 1881 - old boathouse (PU 1904) -
PC GER Frankfurter RG "Borussia" 1896
PC GER Frankfurter RG Germania (PU 1902)
PC GER Frankfurter RV 1865 °Gruss von der Maininsel° (PU 1902)
PC GER Giessener RG - boathouse with 8+ in foreground (PU 1903)
PC GER Giessener RG 1877 - boathouse
PC GER Giessener RG von 1877 - boathouse with details of interior
PC GER Glogauer RC °Neptun° - boathouse at the Oder river (PU 1918) - now Glogow in POL
PC GER Hamburg - RC Allemannia von 1866
PC GER Hamburg - WSV °Die Wikinger° (PU 1926)
PC GER Hamburg Germania RC (PU 1901) - now Der Hamburger und Germania RC
The Germania RC Hamburg was founded
in 1853. It merged in the oldest German
rowing club Der Hamburger RC (founded
1936) in 1934 to become Der Hamburger
und Germania RC.
PC GER Hamburg RC "Kosmos" v. 1874 - boathouse
PC GER Hamburg RC Favorite-Hammonia (founded 1854) - boathouse front
PC GER Hamburg RC Favorite-Hammonia (PU 1917) - boathouse
PC GER Hamburg Ruder-Gesellschaft "Hansa" (founded 1920)
PC GER Hamburger RC °Allemannia von 1866 - boathouse (PU 1907)
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