Clubs, Schools and Universities H-G-I
A rowing club boathouse image should be identifiable as such at the first glance. Just a building with no boats, flags or other signs of the sport is only sufficient if the construction of the boathouse is exceptional.
Pin GER Luebecker Ruderklub (founded 1907)
This pin is identical with
the pin of Pforzheimer RK
(no longer in existence)
Pin GER Mainz Weisenauer RV 1913
Pin GER Mainzer Ruderverein
Pin GER Mannheimer RC von 1875
Pin GER Mannheimer RV °Amicitia° (founded 1876)
Pin GER Marbacher RV 1920
Pin GER Meissen RV °Neptun° #Coll. MM#
Pin GER Merseburger RG #Coll. MM#
Pin GER Muelheim-Ruhr WSV (founded 1906)
Pin GER Muenchener Ruder- und Segelverein "Bayern" (founded 1910)
Pin GER Muenster ARV Westfalen
Pin GER Neumuenster RC (founded 1909 as RV Neumuenster)
Pin GER Neusser RV (founded 1914)
Pin GER Neusser RV centenary (founded 1914)
Pin GER Neuwieder RG 1883
Pin GER Nordenhamer RC von 1908 #Coll. HS#
Pin GER Nuertingen RC
Pin GER Oberhausen RV
Pin GER Offenbach Sportgemeinschaft "Wiking"
Pin GER Oldenburger RV
25 years membership
#Coll. VZ#
50 years membership
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