Clubs, Schools and Universities H-G-I
A rowing club boathouse image should be identifiable as such at the first glance. Just a building with no boats, flags or other signs of the sport is only sufficient if the construction of the boathouse is exceptional.
Cinderella GER Frankfurter RV von 1865
Cinderella GER Griesheim RC 1906
Cinderella GER Hamburg - RC Favorite Hammonia boathouse
Cinderella GER Hamburg RC Allemannia v. 1866 (boathouse) #Coll. KA#
Cinderella GER Hanauer RC "Hassia" (founded 1904)
Cinderella GER Hanauer RG 1879
Cinderella GER Klein-Krotzenburg am Main RG "Starkenburg" von 1888
Klein-Krotzenburg is situated a few kilometers south of Hanau
Cinderella GER Mainz Kasteler RG 1880
Cinderella GER Mainzer RG 1902
Cinderella GER Mainzer RV (founded 1878)
Cinderella GER Muenchener RC 1880 - °brick° (= donation) for boathouse
Cinderella GER Offenbacher RG "Undine" (founded 1876)
Cinderella GER Offenbacher RV 1874
Cinderella GER Oppenheim RC (founded 1911)
Oppenheim is a small town at the Rhine River
between Mainz and Worms
Cinderella GER RC Simsee (six different drawings)
Cinderella GER Ruesselsheim RV (founded 1908)
Cinderella GER TOSOLINI'S SPORT-MAGAZIN °Ludwigshafener Vierer°, M4+ gold medal winner OG Stockholm 1912 (four different colours)
Albert Arnheiter (bow), Otto & Rudolf Fickeisen, Hermann Wilker (stroke),
cox Otto Maier (GER) on their way to victory at the Stockholm Games 1912
Cinderella GER Wiesbaden Biebricher RV 1900
Cinderella GER Wormser RV (founded 1911)
Cinderella ITA - Societa Canottieri (= RC) ESPERIA Torino
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