Clubs, Schools and Universities - SUI
A rowing club boathouse image should be identifiable as such at the first glance. Just a building with no boats, flags or other signs of the sport is only sufficient if the construction of the boathouse is exceptional.
Cachet SUI "Deutscher Ruder-Verein Zuerich"
Cinderella SUI - RC "Reuss" Lucerne
Cinderella SUI 1912 - Deutscher RV Zurich
Illustrated cover SUI 1981 May 28th Vierwaldstaetter See - centenary of Seeclub Luzern (founded May 28th 1881)
Label SUI Société Nautique Neuchatel (SNN, founded 1885) - membership card 1924
PC SUI Schaffhausen RC
Pin SUI 1992 Thalwil RC 60th anniversary
RC Thalwil founded 1932 -
Pin SUI Morges °Forward° RC (founded 1917)
Morges is situated at Lake Geneva,
a few km west of Lausanne
Pin SUI See-Club Luzern (founded 1881)
Poster SUI 1925 Rowing Club Bern (image on postcard 1986)
Sticker SUI Club d'Aviron Vallée de Joux (founded 2010)
Vallée de Joux is situated
about 25 km northwest of Lausanne
Sticker SUI Lausanne RC (with pictogram)
Sticker SUI RC Reuss Luzern (founded 1904) #Coll. VZ#
Wine label SUI 1982 °Vin d'Aigle° (bottled for Club Aviron Vevey)