Clubs, Schools and Universities S-T-U
A rowing club boathouse image should be identifiable as such at the first glance. Just a building with no boats, flags or other signs of the sport is only sufficient if the construction of the boathouse is exceptional.
PC URS Rigaer RC - boathouse
The club was founded 1872
PC URU Montevideo RC (founded 1874) - boathouse
founded 1874
PC USA Cornell University W8+ crew (undivided back = pre 1905)
PC USA Harvard University BC, Cambridge, Mass.
PC USA Harvard University boathouse on the Charles River at Cambridge, Massachusetts
PC USA Ithaca, N.Y. - A Cornell Crew launching their shell fron the University boathouse
PC USA Milwaukee BC
PC USA New London, Conn. - Red Top, Harvard University's Training Quarters (2 different PC)
PC USA New Rochelle RC, N. Y.
PC USA Pensacola (Florida), Bayou Chico, Y.M.C.A. BC (formerly Pensacola BC)
PC USA Poughkeepsie, Apokeepsing BC (PU 1911)
PC USA Princeton University crews on the waters of Carnegie Lake with boathouse in background
PC USA Seattle - University of Washington, Portage Bay
PC USA Springfield BC, Mass. (founded 1886) - boathouse (PU 1912)
Frank B. Greer (USA) - M1x gold medal winner
OG St. Louis 1904 - was a member of this club
PC USA Tampa University (Florida) - Rowing on the Hillsborough River
PC USA Wisconsin University crews and boathouse (undivided back)
PC USA Yacht Club, New Rochelle, N.Y. (PU 1911)
PC USA Yale boathouse, New Haven
Pin SUI 1992 Thalwil RC 60th anniversary
RC Thalwil founded 1932 -
Pin SUI Morges °Forward° RC (founded 1917)
Morges is situated at Lake Geneva,
a few km west of Lausanne
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