Olympic Regattas
Program MEX 1968 OG Mexico Oct. 18th (Semifinals)
Program MEX 1968 OG Mexico Oct. 19th (Finals)
Program NED 1928 OG Amsterdam Aug. 10th (day of finals) #Coll. JE#
Program SWE 1912 OG Stockholm July 17th-19th with complete crew lists
Program USA 1932 OG Los Angeles Aug. 12th (Finals)
Registered letter AUS 1956 OG Melbourne - Lake Wendouree with PM Nov. 23rd
Registered letter AUS OG Sydney 2000
Registered letter GBR 1948 Aug. 5th OG London Henley Mobile Post Office B with registration label Henley-on-Thames No. 5002 #Coll. JE#
Registered letter GBR 1948 Aug. 6th OG London Henley Mobile Post Office with registration label Henley-on-Thames No. 5031 #Coll. JE#
Registered letter GER 1936 OG Berlin with PM Berlin-Gruenau Regattabahn Aug. 12th
Registered letter GER 1936 OG Berlin with PM Berlin-Gruenau Regattabahn Aug. 1st
Registered letter GER 1936 OG Berlin with PM Berlin-Gruenau Regattabahn Aug. 1st and registration label 434 s - arrival PM on back
Registered letter GER 1972 Aug. 26th (opening day of OG Munich) with pictogram PM
Different postmarks: with and without time of the day -
Registered letter GER 1972 OG Munich Sept. 2nd (day of all seven finals) with PM ROWING pictogram
Registration labels with small letters "bu"
were used at the regatta course only
Registered letter HUN 1988 Apr. 20th (FDC) OG Seoul
Registered letter MEX Olympic Games 1968 with arrival postmark on back
Registered letter ROU 1980 July 3rd Buzau - OG Moscow - Romanian sport successes (pictograms)
arrival PM on back
Registered letter URS 1978 Nov. 24th Moscow
Registered letter URS 1980 July 27th OG Moscow with PM "Pictogram" July 19th
Registered postcard ITA 1960 OG Rome with PM and registration label Lake Albano (site of the Olympic Rowing course) #Coll. JE#
PM Sept. 2nd (day before finals)
with text refering to the Olympic regatta
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