Olympic Regattas
Stamp CAF 1972 Dec. 28th - Barrelet (FRA), M1X gold medal winner OG Paris 1900
MI 305
SC C106
SG 314
YV PA111
Stamp CAF 1979 March 16th OG Moscow
MI 616 A
SC 381
(stern of single sculls at right margin)
MI 616 B - imperforated
(stern of single sculls at right margin)
MI 617 A
SC 382
MI 618 A
SC 383
MI MS 615-20 A
MI MS 615-20 B
MI SS 59
MI SS 60
MI SS 61
(stern of single sculls at right margin)
MI SS 62
MI SS 64
Stamp CAF 1982 July 24th SS OG Los Angeles with Olympic pictogram No. 6 in upper margin (perforated & imperforated)
MI SS 200 A MI SS 200 B -
Stamp CAF 2021 Oct. 7th MS OG Tokyo 2020 (unauthorized issue)
Stamp CAF 2022 (unauthorized issue) - Emma Twigg (NZL) - set of six
W1X Olympic champion OG Tokyo 2020
W1X World champion 2014 WRC Amsterdam
Stamp CAF 2022 SS (unauthorized issue) Emma Twigg (NZL), W1X Olympic champion OG Tokyo 2020
Stamp CAF 2023 May 22nd - pre-olympic year - W4-
Stamp CAF 2024 OG Paris (pictogram)
Stamp CAF 2024 OG Paris (single sculler) 1000 FCFA + 1500 FCFA
Blades entering the water at different angels
Stretched arms at the beginning
of the stroke must be at the same height
Stamp CAN 1975 Febr. 5th - OG Montreal
MI 583
SC B 5
SG 799
YV 557
bronze plaque
Stamp CAN 2012 June 27th - OG London
MI 2847
SC 2556
SG 2874
YV 2727
MI MH 440
SG SB 460
YV C 2727
Booklet of ten self-adhesive stamps
MI MH 440 cover
Stamp CGO 2004 (unauthorized) OG Athens
Stamp CGO 2012 SS OG London (unauthorized) perforated & imperforated
Dorney Lake regatta course (venue of the rowing events) on the left margin -
Stamp CGO 2016 July 23rd SS & MS OG Rio de Janeiro (with small rowing pictogram in upper right corner)
Stamp CHA 1969 June 30th OG Mexico - M2+ gold medal for Baran & Sambo, cox Cipolla (ITA) - perforated & imperforated
MI 260
SC 184
SG 243
YV 195
Stamp CHA 1972 Dec. 22nd OG Munich - M2- gold medal winners Brietzke & Mager (GDR) - error in design
MI 643 A
SC 287
YV 288
MI 643 B
Error in design:
The stamp shows the drawing of a M2X whereas Brietzke & Mager won the M2- competition!
Stamp CHA 1972 Febr. 7th (perforated & imperforated) - gold medal winners at OG Mexico 1968 with golden imprint °MUNICH 1972° - P. Baran & R. Sambo, cox B. Cipolla (ITA)
MI 462
SC 245c
Stamp CHA 1983 Nov. 15th SS perforated + imperforated - OG Los Angeles - mascot in lower margin
MI B. 185 A + B -
Stamp CHA 1984 March 1st perforated + imperforated + special SS - OG Los Angeles (photo of M4+ race)
Stamp CHA 1984 March 1st SS perforated + imperforated - OG Los Angeles (drawing of M4- race)
MI SS 221
SC 275
YV BF 47
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