Olympic Regattas
Stamp COK RAROTONGA (unauthorized) - OG London 2012: NZL gold medal winners
Mahe Drysdale (M1X)
Hamish Bond & Eric Murray (M2-)
Nathan Cohen & Joseph Sullivan (M2X)
Stamp COL 2008 Aug. 1st OG Beijing (mascot on tab)
MI 2498
SC 1292
Stamp COM 1988 Apr. 18th - OG Barcelona 1992
MI 826 A
SC 665
YV 465
MI 826 B
Stamp COM 1988 Apr. 18th - OG Barcelona 1992 (complete set on SS)
Stamp COM 1988 Apr. 18th - OG Barcelona 1992 (SS with image of stamp ESP 1972)
MI SS 256 A
SC 665
MI SS 256 B
Stamp COM 1988 Apr. 18th - OG Barcelona 1992 (Three values se-tenant on MS)
Stamp CUB 1964 Oct. 10th OG Tokyo
MI 913
SG 1136
YV 733
MI 917
SG 1140
YV 737
Stamp CYP 1976 July 5th OG Montreal with Olympic pictogram No. 4
MI 455
SC 465
Stamp CZE 2000 Aug. 30th OG Sydney
MI 267
SC 3130
YV 253
Stamp CZE 2012 June 20th SS OG London
MI MS 725
SC 3543
bum-shoving before the catch,
chins should be vertical
Stamp DJI 2005 OG Beijing 2008 (unauthorized)
Upper right corner:
J. Karsten (BLR), W1X silver medal OG Athens 2004
Stamp DJI 2011 OG London 2012 - M2X Hunter & Purchase (GBR), gold medal winners OG Beijing 2008
Stamp DJI 2011 OG London 2012 (50 F)
Stamp DJI 2011 OG London 2012 (80 F)
Stamp DJI 2011 OG London 2012 MS
Stamp DJI 2011 Paralympic Games London 2012 (50 F)
Stamp DJI 2011 Paralympic Games London 2012 (80 F)
Stamp DJI 2011 Paralympic Games London 2012 MS
Stamp DJI 2016 OG Rio de Janeiro - green pictogram for rowing, red pictogram for adaptive rowing (SS + single stamps imperforated)
Stamp DJI 2021 (unauthorized issue) "Olympic Sports" #Coll. RS#
Painting "Olympic Sports 03" by Miki de Goodaboom (FRA)
depicting OG London 2012 W2- gold medal winners Helen Glover & Heather Stanning (GBR)
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