Olympic Regattas
Beer mat GER 1970 - Schwieberdinger Biere Sport series No. 16
Beer mat GER 1972 - Loewenbraeu Muenchen - XX. Olympic Games Munich - Olympic pictogram No. 3)
Beer mat GER 1972 - Olympic pictogram No. 3 OG Munich
Beer mat GER 1972 OG Munich - Peter Wilbert, RC Germania Duesseldorf (spare man for the German Olympic team)
Beer mat GER 1972 PALMBRAEU - gold medal for Germany's M4+ at OG Munich
Beer mat GER LAMMSBRAEU MAXI-MALZ - OG Munich 1972 with times for 2000 m
Four Olympic records (out of seven) at OG Munich 1972!
The M8+ Olympic record time at OG London 1948 is irrelevant
as the course at Henley was upstream and shortened to 1900 m
Book AUS 2000 OG Sydney °Go, Olly, go!°
Book GER 1936 - Rudern und Kanu - Olympia-Heft Nr. 21
Book GER 1936 °So kaempfte und siegte die Jugend der Welt - XI. Olympiade Berlin 1936° by F. Miller, P.v. Le Fort, H. Harster
Book GER 2010 °Goldachter - 50 Jahre Olympiasieg° by Hans Lenk
Book GER 2015 °Goldtag am Lago Albano° by Hans Lenk
Hans lenk was the bowman of the German eight that won the gold medal OG Rome 1960
Book GER 2020 °Ausgerechnet ich!° (Hans Gelbert - Ludwigshafener RV - und die Olympischen Spiele 1932)
Compiled by R. Floersch
and K.-A. Kaufmann
Book MEX 1968 OG Mexico °Official Rowing Rules° (FISA) with Olympic pictogram No. 2 on cover
The cover photo depicts the German M8+ crew that won the gold medal at OG Mexico 1968 front back -
Book USA 1985 °The Amateurs° by David Halberstam
Book USA 2013 °The Boys in the Boat° by Daniel James Brown
Brass Rowing plaque OG Amsterdam 1928
Button AUS 1956 - Merv. Wood (AUS), M1X Olympic champion OG London 1948
Button CAN 1976 OG Montreal
Button URS 1980 OG Moscow - XXII
Button USA 1984 OG Los Angeles
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