Olympic Regattas
Cachet CHN 2008 OG Beijing with Olympic pictogram No. 12a
Cachet GER 1936 Berlin-Gruenau °Jungruderer-Olympia-Zeltlager° (= Olympic tent camp for young rowing athletes)
Cachet GER 1972 Sept. 12th OG Munich Lufthansa flight Munich - Buenos Aires (with Olympic pictogram No. 3)
Cachet GER 1988 Sept. 10th - Lufthansa flight of Germany's Olympic team from Frankfurt/M. to Seoul (pictogram)
Cachet GER 2012 - Special air mail for opening ceremony OG London July 27th
Cachet GER OG Berlin 1936
#Cll. JE#
#Coll. JE#
Cachet USA 1932 OG Los Angeles - Water sports Long Beach Aug. 9th - 13th
Cachet USA 1932 OG Los Angeles Long Beach Water Sports
Cachet USA 1978 (No. 39) - OG Moskow with Olympic pictogram No. 4
CC AUS 1933 GODFREY PHILLIPS CIGARETTES B.D.V. °Who's Who in Australian Sport°- R. Pearce (AUS), Olympic champion M1X 1928 and 1932
CC AUS 1933 SWEETACRES CHEWING GUM series of sport champions No. 39 - R. Pearce (AUS)
CC AUS 1964 MAC ROBERTSON'S quiz card - Mervyn Wood (AUS), Olympic M1X champion OG London 1948, M1X silver medal winner OG Helsinki 1952
The answer is wrong:
M. Wood won 1948 (London)
and came second 1952 (Helsinki)
CC AUS 1996 "Altlanta Contenders" No. 41 - Robert Scott & David Weightman (AUS), M2- silver medal winners OG Atlanta 1996
CC AUS 1996 "Rising Stars" No. 58 Megan Still & Kate Slatter (AUS), W2- gold medal winners OG Atlanta 1996
M. Still & K. Slatter were W2- World Rowing champions 1995 WRC Tampere -
CC AUS 1996 INTREPID No. 11 OG Barcelona 1992 "Front Runners" - M4- crew AUS, gold medal winner
CC AUS 1996 INTREPID No. 65 OG Barcelona 1992 retroperspective - Peter Antonie & Stephen Hawkins (AUS), M2X gold medal winners
CC AUS 1996 INTREPID No. 68 OG Barcelona 1992 retroperspective - M4- crew AUS, gold medal winner
CC AUS OG Melbourne 1956 - Lake Wendouree Ballarat
CC AUS OG Melbourne 1956 - Sculling
CC AUS WOOLWORTHS "Aussie Heroes" No. 85 - James Tomkins & Drew Ginn, M2- gold medal winners OG Athens 2004
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