Olympic Regattas
Illustrated cover GBR 2012 with PM Henley Jan. 12th and special postage label ROWING
Illustrated cover GER 1984 OG Los Angeles - IMOS - (photo of M4X gold medal winner crew GER)
Illustrated cover GER 1992 Hermann E. Sieger GmbH depicting stamp GER 1992 OG Barcelona
Illustrated cover GER 2008 Hermann E. Sieger GmbH depicting stamp GER 2008 OG Beijing
Illustrated cover GRE 2004 Aug. 21st OG Athens depicting M2X gold medal winners FRA
Illustrated cover GRE 2004 Aug. 21st OG Athens depicting W2X gold medal winners Evers-Swindel sisters (NZL)
Illustrated cover GRE 2004 Aug. 22nd OG Athens depicting LW2X gold medal winners ROU
Illustrated cover GRE 2004 Aug. 22nd OG Athens depicting M1X gold medal winner Olaf Tufte (NOR)
Illustrated cover GRE 2004 Aug. 22nd OG Athens depicting M4- gold medal winner crew GBR
Illustrated cover GRE 2004 Aug. 22nd OG Athens depicting W1X gold medal winner Rutschow-Stomporowski (GER)
Illustrated cover ITA 1960 OG Rome - M1X gold medal winner Vyacheslav Ivanov (URS) - with PM Lago Albano Sept. 3rd (day of finals)
Illustrated cover ITA 1960 OG Rome - M2- gold medal winners Valentin Boreyko & Oleg Golovanov (URS) - with PM Lago Albano Sept. 3rd (day of finals)
Illustrated cover ITA 1960 OG Rome - M2+ gold medal winners Heinz Renneberg & Bernhard Knubel, cox Klaus Zerta (GER) - with PM Lago Albano Sept. 3rd (day of finals)
Illustrated cover ITA 1960 OG Rome - M2X gold medal winners Vaclak Kozak & Pavel Schmidt (TCH) with PM Lago Albano Sept. 3rd (day of finals)
Illustrated cover ITA 1960 OG Rome - M4- gold medal winners Arthur Ayrault, Ted Nash, John Sayre, Richard Wailes (USA) - with PM Lago Albano Sept. 3rd (day of finals)
Illustrated cover ITA 1960 OG Rome - M4+ gold medal winners Gerd Cintl, Horst Effertz, Klaus Riekemann, Juergen Litz, cox Michael Obst (GER) - with PM Lago Albano Sept. 3rd (day of finals)
Illustrated cover ITA 1960 OG Rome - M8+ gold medal winners Hans Lenk, Klaus Bittner, Karl-Heinz Hopp, Karl-Heinrich von Groddeck, Kraft & Frank Schepke, Walter Schröder, Manfred Rulffs, cox W. Padge (GER) - with PM Lago Albano Sept. 3rd (day of finals)
Illustrated cover ITA 1960 OG Rome with PM Lago Albano Aug. 26th
Illustrated cover JPN 1962 - OG Tokyo 1964 (with image of stamp JPN 1962)
Illustrated cover KOR 1988 OG Seoul (German text) - drawing of M8+ crew GER (gold medal winner) with stamp KOR 1985 and PM with date of final Sept. 25th
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