Postcards (PC)
Postcards should carry indentifiable informations (event, location, crew/club or else). A PC with an unidentified boat on the water somewhere would not qualify for this catalogue. Exception: comic postcards and postcards with art prints or paintings.
PC FRA Enghien-les-Bains - finish area of regatta course (PU 1959)
PC FRA Enghien-les-Bains - Les Régates (PU 1912)
PC FRA Enghien-les-Bains - regatta on lake Enghien (M2+ crews assembling at the start)
Enghien-les-Bains 13km north of Paris city centre
PC FRA Enghien-les-Bains regatta
PC FRA Evian regatta
PC FRA Joinville - regatta °Head of the River° - parade of crews
The term "Joinville-le-Pont (Seine)" is wrong. It should be "Joinville-le-Pont (Marne"). PU 1946
PU 1938
PC FRA Joinville regatta - PU 1988
PC FRA Joinville-le-Pont - Regatta (date written on the back 1907 March 10th)
PC FRA Joinville-le-Pont - Société Nautique de la Marne (boathouse)
PC FRA Lagny-Pomponne - Un jour des Régates (PU 1907)
PC FRA Lagny-sur-Marne - Société Nautique de Lagny Aviron (founded 1905)
Lagny-sur-Marne is situated about 26 km
east of Paris city centre
PC FRA M1X - °Les Sports - Canotage°
PC FRA M8+ °En Yole°
PC FRA Macon - regatta course on the Saone river
PC FRA MARIE BRIZARD & ROGER - Grand Hotel Agen - No. 11 Canotage
PC FRA Nantes Regatta
PC FRA Nogent -sur-Marne - regatta start area (PU 1909)
PC FRA Nogent-sur-Marne - boathouse of La Société d'Encouragement de Sport Nautique (PU 1908)
PC FRA Nogent-sur-Marne - regatta (PU 1911)
PC FRA Nogent-sur-Marne - start of a M1X race (PU 1906)
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