Postcards (PC)
Postcards should carry indentifiable informations (event, location, crew/club or else). A PC with an unidentified boat on the water somewhere would not qualify for this catalogue. Exception: comic postcards and postcards with art prints or paintings.
PC GDR 1988 OG Seoul - B. Siech, C. Hornig, G. Doberschuetz, M. Walther, cox S. Mueller (GDR), W4+ gold medal winners
PC GDR 1988 OG Seoul - Jutta Berendt (GDR), W1X Olympic champion
PC GDR 1988 OG Seoul - M4- gold medal winner crew GDR (O. Foerster, R. Brudel, T. Greiner & R. Schroeder)
PC GDR 1988 OG Seoul - M4+ gold medal winner crew GDR (K. Schmeling, B. Eichwurzel, H. Reiher & B. Niesecke, cox F. Klawonn)
PC GDR 1988 OG Seoul - Thomas Lange (GDR), M1X Olympic champion
PC GDR 1988 OG Seoul - W4+ gold medal winner crew GDR (B. Siech, C. Hornig, G. Doberschuetz & M. Walther, cox S. Mueller)
PC GDR 1988 OG Seoul - W4X- gold medal winner crew GDR (J. Sorgers, B. Schramm, C. Mund & K. Foerster)
PC GDR 1988 OG Seoul - W8+ gold medal winner crew GDR
PC GDR 1989 - regatta course Berlin-Gruenau
PC GDR Berlin-Gruenau - view of regatta area from grandstand (PU 1956)
PC GDR Berlin-Gruenau Regatta
PC GDR Berlin-Gruenau regatta area
PC GER Hameln RC Oberrealschule 1909 - inaugural ceremony of boathouse
PC GER Munich WRC 1981 - finish area and grandstand of regatta course Oberschleissheim
PC GER - Painting °Das Rudern° by Siegfried Kratochwil (AUT, 1916-2005)
PC GER °Einskuller° (capsized sculler) - comic drawing
PC GER °Finish° - comic drawing
PC GER °Ruderer° - image of sculpture created 1938 by Herrmann Zettlitzer (1901-1957) - PU 1942
PC GER °Rudersport° (PU 1899)
PC GER °Victorious single sculler° (PU 1902)
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