Postcards (PC)
Postcards should carry indentifiable informations (event, location, crew/club or else). A PC with an unidentified boat on the water somewhere would not qualify for this catalogue. Exception: comic postcards and postcards with art prints or paintings.
PC BEL 1907 SN & RCN Ghent 8+ winner of the Grand Challenge Cup at Henley regatta 1907 (undivided back)
PC BEL 1907 Sport Nautique & Royal Club Nautique de Gand crew posing as victors of the Grand Challenge Cup at Henley regatta (PU July 18th)
PC BEL 1907 Sport Nautique & Royal Club Nautique de Gand crew winner of the Grand Challenge Cup at Henley regatta 1907 (divided back)
PC BEL 1909 - Henley Regatta - Grand Challenge Cup winner crew Royal Club Nautique & Royal Sport Nautique de Gand
Portrait in the upper right corner:
coach M.V. De Bisshop
PC BEL 1909 Henley Royal Regatta - Royal Club Nautique de Gand (BEL) winning the Grand Challenge Cup (PU 1909 July 12th)
PC BEL 1909 Royal Club & Royal Sport Nautique de Gand crew, winner of the Grand Challenge Cup at Henley Regatta (PU July 1909)
PC BEL 1910 ERC Ostende
PC BEL 1952 Ghent °Henley Championats d'Europe Terdonck° R. C. N. Ghent
PC BEL 1955 ERC Ghent
This image is somewhat mysterious as apparently there are five M8+ competing whereas
only four lanes were available at the Ghent regatta course.
PC BEL 1985 WRC Hazewinkel - regatta course
PC BEL Brugse Trimm- en Roeiclub (boathouse)
PC BEL Brussels Kanovaren regatta
PC BEL cartoon "Finalen" (Sport Gent centenary)
PC BEL cartoon "Schiftingen" (= Heats)
PC BEL cartoon "Training" (Sport Gent centenary)
PC BEL comic drawing °Mississippi° by Karl Meersman (member of KRC Gent)
PC BEL Drawing of two ladies watching a 4+ race (PU 1901)
This postcard was sent from Paris to Berlin.
The text is written in English.
The small print "Dietrich & Co. Bruxelles"
on the left margin shows that it originates
from Belgium.
PC BEL Ghent - regatta day at Cluysen-Terdonck (undivided back = pre 1905)
In the FISA Centenary book (p. 24)
this postcard bears the date 1905
PC BEL Ghent Soc. Royale de Sport Nautique (founded 1883)
PC BEL Ghent watersportbaan and boathouse of Koninklijke Roeivereniging Sport Gent (KRSG)
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