Postcards (PC)
Postcards should carry indentifiable informations (event, location, crew/club or else). A PC with an unidentified boat on the water somewhere would not qualify for this catalogue. Exception: comic postcards and postcards with art prints or paintings.
PC GER Hamburg - RC Allemannia von 1866
PC GER Hamburg - WSV °Die Wikinger° (PU 1926)
PC GER Hamburg Germania RC (PU 1901) - now Der Hamburger und Germania RC
The Germania RC Hamburg was founded
in 1853. It merged in the oldest German
rowing club Der Hamburger RC (founded
1936) in 1934 to become Der Hamburger
und Germania RC.
PC GER Hamburg RC "Kosmos" v. 1874 - boathouse
PC GER Hamburg RC Favorite-Hammonia (founded 1854) - boathouse front
PC GER Hamburg RC Favorite-Hammonia (PU 1917) - boathouse
PC GER Hamburg Regatta (undated)
The long white boat in
the foreground carries
a large flag with the in-
scription "Schiedsrichter"
(= umpire) at the stern
PC GER Hamburg regatta finish area (undivided back = pre 1905)
PC GER Hamburg regatta with boathouse of RC Allemannia in background (PU 1929)
PC GER Hamburg regatta with text refering to regatta result on the back (PU 1909)
PC GER Hamburg Ruder-Gesellschaft "Hansa" (founded 1920)
PC GER Hamburg-Allermoehe regatta course
PC GER Hamburger RC °Allemannia von 1866 - boathouse (PU 1907)
PC GER Hamburger regatta (3 different PC with Uhlenhorster Faehrhaus in background)
This PC is known with a Hamburg PM 1905
PU 1911
PC GER Hamburger RV - boathouse at the Alster (PU 1907)
PC GER Hameln RV °Weser° von 1885 - boathouse
PU 1937
PU 1917
PC GER Hanauer RG von 1879 - boathouse
PC GER Hannover Akademischer RV (PU 1912)
PC GER Hannover Akademischer RV (PU 1912)
The club was founded in 1886 - now Rudergemeinschaft Angaria Hannover -
PC GER Hannover Akademischer RV (PU 1913) - 4+ crew launching their boat
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