Postcards (PC)
Postcards should carry indentifiable informations (event, location, crew/club or else). A PC with an unidentified boat on the water somewhere would not qualify for this catalogue. Exception: comic postcards and postcards with art prints or paintings.
PC GER Muelheimer RG - boathouse
PC GER Muenchener RC von 1880
PC GER Muenster Akademische Ruderverbindung °Westfalen° (PU 2014)
PC GER Munich regatta course - aerial view of finish area including grandstand
PC GER Munich-Oberschleisshein - regatta course (PU 1977)
PC GER Neumuenster - regatta on the Einfelder Lake (PU 1915)
PC GER Neusalz RC °Moeve° - boathouse
PC GER Neustrelitz RC (founded 1911) - view of boathouse (PU 1942)
PC GER Neuwied (PU 1912) - boathouses of Neuwieder Rudergesellschaft (founded 1883) and Gymnasial-Turn-Ruder-Verein Neuwied (founded 1882)
PC GER Neuwieder RG - boathouse
PC GER Nordenhamer RC - boathouse with wooden bridge leading to the pontoon on tidal waters (Weser river)
PC GER Nuernberg RV (PU 1965) - boathouse
PC GER Offenbach Rudergesellschaft °Undine° - boathouse (PU 1905)
PC GER Offenbacher RG °Undine° - boathouse and bridge (PU 1928)
PC GER Offenbacher RV - 25th anniversary 1874-1899 (PU 1899)
The boathouse on the left was built in 1893.
It was destroyed by a fire in the year 1906.
PC GER Offenbacher RV 1874 - boathouse (PU 1898)
PC GER Painting °Bridge at Hampton Court° by Alfred Sisley (1839-1899)
PC GER Painting °Daemmerung mit Sich° (= twilight with himself) 1996 by Oliver Jordan (GER, born 1958)
PC GER Passauer RV 25th anniversary 1899 (PU 1900)
PC GER Posener RV °Germania° - boathouse (PU 1916)
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