Postcards (PC)
Postcards should carry indentifiable informations (event, location, crew/club or else). A PC with an unidentified boat on the water somewhere would not qualify for this catalogue. Exception: comic postcards and postcards with art prints or paintings.
PC GER Mannheim RC (PU 1901)
PC GER Mannheim Regatta (PU 1910 July 3rd with text related to the event)
PC GER Mannheimer RC - drawing of boathouse (PU1908)
PC GER Mannheimer Regatta (PU 1908)
PC GER Mannheimer Regatta (PU Mannheim 1912 July 7th - day of the regatta - with text concerning the event)
PC GER Meissener RC °Neptun° - boathouse (PU 1936)
founded 1882
PC GER Meissner RC "Neptun" (founded 1882)
PC GER Mindener RV - boathouse
PC GER Muelheimer RG - boathouse
PC GER Muenchener RC von 1880
PC GER Muenster Akademische Ruderverbindung °Westfalen° (PU 2014)
PC GER Munich regatta course - aerial view of finish area including grandstand
PC GER Munich-Oberschleisshein - regatta course (PU 1977)
PC GER Neumuenster - regatta on the Einfelder Lake (PU 1915)
PC GER Neusalz RC °Moeve° - boathouse
PC GER Neustrelitz RC (founded 1911) - view of boathouse (PU 1942)
PC GER Neuwied (PU 1912) - boathouses of Neuwieder Rudergesellschaft (founded 1883) and Gymnasial-Turn-Ruder-Verein Neuwied (founded 1882)
PC GER Neuwieder RG - boathouse
PC GER Nordenhamer RC - boathouse with wooden bridge leading to the pontoon on tidal waters (Weser river)
PC GER Nuernberg RV (PU 1965) - boathouse
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