Postcards (PC)
Postcards should carry indentifiable informations (event, location, crew/club or else). A PC with an unidentified boat on the water somewhere would not qualify for this catalogue. Exception: comic postcards and postcards with art prints or paintings.
PC GER TUCK'S °OILETTE° series °Rudersport° No. 975 - Coloured drawing of M8+
PC GER TUCK'S °OILETTE° series °Rudersport° No. 975 (M4- / M4+)
PC GER Vancouver RC (CAN) - boathouse
Harenberg-Kalender "Kanada 2012"
PC GER Weissenfelser RV - founded 1884 (undivided back = pre 1905)
Weissenfels is a town in Sachsen-Anhalt
at the river Saale, 30 km southwest of Leipzig
PC GER Wiesbaden - greetings from the Kaiser Regatta (PU 1900)
PC GER Wiesbaden-Biebrich RG - boathouse (PU pre 1945)
PC GER Wilhelmshavener RC boathouse (PU 1940) - addressee: Dr. Walter Wuelfing, president of the German Rowing Federation (DRV) 1949-1966
PC GER Witten RC centenary 1892-1992 - Painting of boathouse area
PC GER Wittenberger RC - boathouse
PC GER Worms RC - drawing of new boat-hall
PC GER Worms RG - boathouse & club emblem (PU 1907)
PC GER Zuellichau RV °Ostmark° - Oberweinberge at Oder river with boathouse in background (PU 1927)
PC GER8 Berlin-Gruenau regatta 1908 with an unidentified M8+ crew in foreground
PC Ghent watersportbaan (= regatta course) - PU 1966
PC GRE 2004 OG Athens - Mascots Athena & Phevos rowing
PC HKG 2008 OG Sydney - Steve Redgrave (GBR) and his crew after the M4- gold medal win
PC HUN (now SVK) Pozsony = Pressburg (now Bratislava) - boathouse of Rowing Club (PU 1917)
PC HUN 1988 OG Seoul
PC HUN PU 1993 - Painting Count Istvan Szechenyi regatta Budapest by Hajos Hollanda Éva (1991)
PC IND 2014 (six different drawings)
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