Postcards (PC)
Postcards should carry indentifiable informations (event, location, crew/club or else). A PC with an unidentified boat on the water somewhere would not qualify for this catalogue. Exception: comic postcards and postcards with art prints or paintings.
PC ROU 2020 OG Atlanta 1996 - M1X victory ceremony with D. Porter (CAN), X. Mueller (SUI) and T. Lange (GER) - reprint
PC ROU 2020 OG Atlanta 1996 - Thomas Lange (GER), M1X bronze medal winner - reprint
PC ROU 2020 OG Atlanta 1996 - Xeno Mueller (SUI), M1X gold medal winner - reprint
PC ROU 2020 Paralympic Games (PRW1X NOR) - reprint
PC RSA 1906 Pietermaritzburg - First Zambesi Regatta
PC RUS 2013 Universade Kazan - grandstand and finish tower
Kazan is a Russian city of about 1,250 million inhabitans - 1900 km east of Moscow.
PC SIN 2012 OG London - LM4- gold medal winners J. Thompson, M. Brittain, J. Smith & S. Ndlovu (RSA)
PC SIN 2012 OG London gold medal winners - LM2X Olympic champions Mads Rasmussen & Rasmus Quist (DEN)
PC SIN 2012 OG London gold medal winners - LM4- Olympic champions RSA
PC SIN 2012 OG London gold medal winners - LW2X Olympic champions Katherine Copeland & Sophie Hosking (GBR)
PC SIN 2012 OG London gold medal winners - M1X Olympic champion Mahe Drysdale (NZL)
PC SIN 2012 OG London gold medal winners - M2- Olympic champions Hamish Bond & Eric Murray (NZL)
PC SIN 2012 OG London gold medal winners - M2X Olympic champions Joseph Sullivan & Nathan Cohen (NZL)
PC SIN 2012 OG London gold medal winners - M4- Olympic champions GBR
PC SIN 2012 OG London gold medal winners - M4X Olympic champions GER
PC SIN 2012 OG London gold medal winners - M8+ Olympic champions GER
PC SIN 2012 OG London gold medal winners - W1X Olympic champion Miroslava Knapkova (CZE)
PC SIN 2012 OG London gold medal winners - W2- Olympic champions Helen Glover & Heather Stanning (GBR)
PC SIN 2012 OG London gold medal winners - W2X Olympic champions Katherine Grainger & Anna Watkins (GBR)
PC SIN 2012 OG London gold medal winners - W4X Olympic champions UKR
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