Postcards (PC)
Postcards should carry indentifiable informations (event, location, crew/club or else). A PC with an unidentified boat on the water somewhere would not qualify for this catalogue. Exception: comic postcards and postcards with art prints or paintings.
PC YUG Bled regatta 1967 - start area
PC YUG Zagreb Lago °Jarun° regatta course
Poster BEL 1932 International Regatta Brussels (image on postcard left + on magnet right)
Poster GBR 1913 LONDON TRANSPORT °Boat Race° by Charles Sharland (image on postcard)
Poster GBR 1921 LONDON TRANSPORT °Boat Race° by Charles Paine (image on postcard)
Poster GBR 1923 LONDON TRANSPORT "Boat Race" by Charles Paine (image on postcard)
Poster GBR 1924 LONDON TRANSPORT °Boat Race° by Kate M. Burrell (image on postcard)
Poster GBR 1928 LONDON TRANSPORT °Boat Race° by P. Brookshaw (image on postcard)
Poster GBR 1934 LONDON TRANSPORT °The Boat Race° by Christopher Greaves (image on postcard)
Poster GBR 1937 Mobile Post Office at Henley Royal Regatta designed by Adrian Hill (image on postcard 1988)
Poster SUI 1924 ERC Zurich (image on postcard 1986)
Poster SUI 1925 Rowing Club Bern (image on postcard 1986)
Poster SUI 1926 Swiss championships regatta Zug (image on postcard 1986)
Poster SUI 1930 Championships & International Regatta Zurich (image on postcard 1986)
Poster SUI 1938 Regatta Richterswil (image on postcard 1986)
Poster SUI 1957 International Regatta Zurich (image on postcard 1986)
Stationary I CAN 2012 June 27th - OG London
Stationary I EST 2008 Sept. 25th depicting J. Jaanson & T. Endrekson EST, silver medal winners M2X at OG Beijing
Stationary II FRA 1924 July 25th OG Paris
Stationary II GER 1992 °Sporthilfe-Ganzsache° No. 4 - M8+ GER
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