PM GER 1940 Apr. 7th Bromberg - Opening of the Rowing season
PM GER 1940 Aug. 4th Berlin-Gruenau Regattabahn
PM GER 1940 June 22nd + 23rd Berlin-Gruenau °Grosse Berliner Ruder-Regatta°
PM GER 1940 Sept. 28th Berlin-Gruenau - First regatta for staff of the German Mail
PM GER 1941 Apr. 4th Strassburg "Tag des Rudersports"
PM GER 1941 Aug. 31st Berlin-Gruenau - Second regatta for staff of the German Mail
Drawing of PM GER 1940 Sept. 28th
Berlin-Gruenau mirrored
PM GER 1941 Aug. 3rd Berlin-Gruenau Regattabahn
PM GER 1941 June 21st & 22nd Berlin-Gruenau °Grosse Berliner Ruder-Regatta°
PM GER 1941 Sept. 28th Berlin-Gruenau Regattabahn
PM GER 1942 Apr. 26th Vienna - Day of Rowing & Canoeing sport
PM GER 1942 Aug. 16th Berlin-Gruenau Regattabahn (3rd Reichspost-Regatta Aug. 15th 1942)
PM GER 1942 Aug. 2nd Berlin-Gruenau - Third national Rowing championships during the war
PM GER 1942 June 20th & 21st Berlin-Gruenau °Grosse Berliner Ruder-Regatta°
PM GER 1942 May 31st Berlin-Gruenau Regattabahn
PM GER 1943 July 31st & Aug. 1st Berlin-Gruenau 1 Regattabahn
PM GER 1943 June 26th + 27th Berlin-Gruenau °Grosse Berliner Ruder-Regatta°
PM GER 1944 July 30th Vienna - German national Rowing championships
PM GER 1951 Sept. 22nd & 23rd Berlin-Gatow - German national youth championships Rowing
PM GER 1952 Aug. 3rd Frankfurt (Main) - 75th Jubilee Regatta
PM GER 1954 June 26th & 27th Frankfurt (Main) - Intenational ROWING regatta
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