PM GER 1957 Aug. 25th WERC Duisburg (day of finals )
PM GER 1957 Sept. 1st ERC Duisburg (day of finals)
PM GER 1958 May 5th Bad Ems - Regatta centenary July 26th-27th 1958
PM GER 1963 Aug. 4th Essen - 50th German ROWING championships Aug. 3rd & 4th
PM GER 1964 July 18th Duisburg - 51st German ROWING championships July 18th & 19th 1964
PM GER 1965 Aug. 1st Mannheim - German national championships 1965
PM GER 1965 Aug. 29th Duisburg ERC (day of finals)
PM GER 1965 June 27th Karlsruhe - Three nations contest YUG - AUT - GER
PM GER 1966 July 31st Ratzeburg - German Youth & U-23 championships
PM GER 1968 June 3rd Homberg - Duisburger Ruderverein Regattaausschuss (red meter mark)
PM GER 1968 May 5th Hannoversch-Muenden - °Day of ROWING Sport°
With such an acute angel in the knees it is
impossible to exert full power on the stretcher.
Shins must be in a vertical position.
PM GER 1969 May 11th Tegernsee - °Day of ROWING Sport°
PM GER 1970 May 5th Neuss - °Day of ROWING Sport°
PM GER 1972 Aug. 26th + 27th Muenchen - Olympic Games with letters °a°, °b° and °c° (Olympic pictogram No. 3)
with time of cancellation
PM GER 1972 Aug. 26th Munich - red meter mark DEUTSCHE BANK Olympic stamps exhibition with Olympic pictogram No. 3
PM GER 1974 Ratzeburg - FISA-JWRC
PM GER 1976 Sept. 4th Berlin - 3rd FISA-Veterans meeting (Masters regatta) and 100 years Rowing in Berlin 1876-1976
The oldest rowing club in Berlin was founded in 1876
(Berliner RV von 1876)
PM GER 1981 Apr. 10th Bonn - stamp series °For the Sport° (FDC-PM)
PM GER 1981 Apr. 10th Marktredwitz - stamp exhibition (Olympic pictogram No. 4)
PM GER 1981 Apr. 30th Duesseldorf - Unterbacher See (= lake) 25th anniversary with Olympic pictogram No. 4 (OG Montreal)
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