Stamps by Countries
It is sometimes difficult to decide whether a stamp is an official issue and thus valid for postage, especially in African and Asian countries. If a stamp is listed in the world-wide accepted and well-known stamp catalogues Michel (MI, Germany), Scott (SC, USA), Stanley-Gibbons (SG, United Kingdom) or Yvert & Tellier (YV, France) it is a real postage stamp for sure. Often these catalogues publish new issues from exotic countries only many years after their issue date.
If it is doubtful whether a stamp is an official issue or not that particular stamp remains listed in the category "Stamps" unless its unauthorized status is proven.
Stamp NED 2022-1 "Roeien" (personalized issue) - M4X-
Stamp NED 2022-2 "Roeien" (personalized issue) - 4X-
Stamp NED 2022-3 "Roeien" (personalized issue) - M8+
Stamp NED 2022-4 "Roeien" (personalized issue) - M4- race
Stamp NED 2022-5 "Roeien" (personalized issue) - 4X+
Stamp NED 2022-6 "Roeien" (personalized issue) - December
Stamp NED 2023-1 "Roeien" (personalized issue) - 8+ crew with blades catching the water
Stamp NED 2023-2 "Roeien" (personalized issue) - two M4- racing abreast
Stamp NED 2023-3 "Roeien" (8+) - personalized issue
Stamp NED 2023-4 "Roeien" (personalized issue) - "Head of the River Amstel" Amsterdam
Eights assembling at the start of the
"Head of the River Amstel", Amsterdam
(long distance race 8 km)
Stamp NED 2023-5 WRC Belgrade - W4- gold medal winner crew NED (personalized issue)
M. Oldenburg, H. Drenth,
T. Offereins, B. Boonstra
Stamp NED 2023-6 "Roeien" (personalized issue) - single sculler
Stamp NED 2024-1 "Roeien" (personalized issue) - Amsterdam, boats on the Amstel river with boathouse in background
Stamp NED 2024-2 (personalized issue) Head of the River Amstel
Long ditance regatta (8 km)
Stamp NED 2024-3 "Roeien" (personalized issue) - M8+
Stamp NED 2024-6 (personalized issue) - crews assembling on the Amstel river for the regatta
Stamp NIG (unauthorized) OG Rome 1960
The designer took the image of the SLE stamp 1988 (on the far right) and placed it against a new background
Stamp NIG 1988 June 22nd OG Seoul (perforated & imperforated + SS)
MI 1050
SC C374
YV 355
Stamp NIG 2000 July 27th OG Sydney - W8X+ at Olympic Games?
The inscription "Canoe-kayak" is incorrect.
It should be "Aviron feminin à 8"
MI 1792
SC 1052p
Stamp NIG 2013 Apr. 15th - OG London 2012 - M1X competitor Hamadou Djibo Issaka (NIG)
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