Stamps by Countries
It is sometimes difficult to decide whether a stamp is an official issue and thus valid for postage, especially in African and Asian countries. If a stamp is listed in the world-wide accepted and well-known stamp catalogues Michel (MI, Germany), Scott (SC, USA), Stanley-Gibbons (SG, United Kingdom) or Yvert & Tellier (YV, France) it is a real postage stamp for sure. Often these catalogues publish new issues from exotic countries only many years after their issue date.
If it is doubtful whether a stamp is an official issue or not that particular stamp remains listed in the category "Stamps" unless its unauthorized status is proven.
Stamp YUG 1993 - Rhine-Main-Danube-Canal
MI SS 42
Stamp YUG 1995 March 4th - "Red Star" Belgrade 50th anniversary (perforated + imperforated)
MI 2706
Stamp YUG 1995 Oct. 4th - "Partizan" Belgrade 50th anniversary
Stamps MLI 2024 Dec. 30th OG Paris
Stationary I GER 2008 OG Beijing with PM Weiden March 21st
Stationary I KOR 2013 Aug. 23rd - WRC Chungju (Aug. 25th - Sept. 1st)
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