Single stamps on cards & covers
Stamp HUN 1993 on cover - centenary of Hungarian Rowing Federation
Stamp ITA 2015 on cover
Stamp MEX 1968 OG Mexico on air mail cover
Stamp MEX 2008 on cover to Germany with FDC-PM
Stamp NCA 1976 (90 C.) on air mail cover to USA
Stamp NZL 1973 OG Munich on cover - NZL's M8+ gold medal win
Stamp ROU 1976 - National championships Timisoara 1977 with corresponding PM
Stamp ROU 1984 May 25th on cover - OG Los Angeles
Stamp ROU 1988 OG Seoul on cover to Germany (PU 1989 June 23rd)
Stamp ROU 2008 on cover with PM °Timisoara OG Beijing Opening Day°
Stamp SUI 1962 WRC Lucerne on cover with PM 1962 Aug. 25th
Stamp URS 1956 on illustrated cover
Stamp USA 2022 May 13th "Women's Rowing" imperforated on cover to Germany
SC 5694-95 imperforated
Stationary II URS 1981 Moscow regatta - registered letter with stamp URS 1962 (PU 1987)
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