PM HUN 1999 July 17th Szeged - 100th national championships
Magyar Evezos Szövetseg = Hungarian Rowing Federation (founded 1893) -
PM IND 2012 Nov. 8th Jagatpur - OARS (= Odisha Association for Rowing and Sculling) - 33rd Junior National Rowing Championships Nov. 7th-10th
PM ITA 1988 Nov. 26th Pisa - centenary of the Italian Rowing Federation
PM ITA 2008 March 31st Roma Prati + Torino Centro - 120th anniversary of the Italian Rowing Federation -
PM ITA 2010 Apr. 13th Milano - °Lombardia° Thematic stamp exhibition canoeing, kayaking and rowing
FIC = Italian Rowing Federation -
PM ITA 2018 Dec. 1st Roma - Italian Rowing Federation 130th anniversary (FDC-PM)
PM POL 1978 June 21st Warszawa - Warszawa's Rowing Association
PM POL 2016 Sept. 17th Wloclawek - Polish Rowing Federation 130th anniversary 1886 - 2016
PM POR 1970 Aug. 16th Aveiro - 50th anniversary of Rowing Federation POR
PM ROU 1981 Apr. 16th Timisoara - 50 years Romanian Rowing Federation 1931-1981 - national championships regatta
PM ROU 2005 July 15th Bucuresti - 80th anniversary of the Romanian Rowing Federation 1925-2005
PM ROU 2006 Apr. 18th Arad - 75 years Federatia Romana de Canotaj 1931-2006
Stamp BEL 1987 Sept. 5th - Belgian Rowing Federation centenary
MI 2311
SC 1276
SG 2918
YV 2259
Stamp BEL 1987 Sept. 6th (FDC) Belgian Rowing Federation centenary on cover (PU)
Stamp BEL 2012 (personalized) - 125th anniversary Belgian Rowing Federation
Stamp BEL 2024 (large and smal personalized issue) Vlaamse Roeiliga 50th anniversary - on cover to Germany
Stamp BEL 2024 Flamish Rowing Association 50th anniversary 1974 - 2024 (personalized issue)
Stamp HKG 2007 MS 30th anniversary of HKG, China Rowing Association (personalized stamps)
Stamp HUN 1993 Febr. 25th - Hungarian Rowing Federation centenary
MI 4233
SC 3384
YV 3404
Stamp HUN 1993 on cover - centenary of Hungarian Rowing Federation
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