Henley Regatta
Ad GBR 1936 °Players Please° Henley Regatta - °Punch° July 1st
Ad GBR 1942 Pears original transparent Soaps °It will come again...° Henley Royal Regatta
Ad GBR 1962 Midland Bank Ltd °The English Scene° - Henley Royal Regatta (painted by l. Pemberton)
Ad GER 1936 SCHULTHEISS BIER (Reichssportblatt 1936, page 1019)
"After the sport we drink a glass
of Schultheiss beer - that tastes
and refreshes"
Badge GBR Henley Regatta 1998 Stewards' Enclosure
No. 2396 on back
Beer mat GBR - Brakspear, Henley on Thames
Beer mat GBR BRAKSPEAR °Row to Go° - Henley Regatta
Book GBR 1957 "Henley Regatta" by R. D. Burnell
Book GBR 1963 "Constitution and Rules of Henley Royal Regatta"
Book GBR 2001 "Guide to Henley Regatta & Reach" by Michael Jones
CC FRA 1952 °Collection Felix Potin - Jean Séphériadès° (1922-2001), winner of the Diamond Challenge Sculls at Henley Regatta 1946 and European M1X champion ERC Lucerne 1947
CC FRA 1960 - Les Regates de Henley
CC FRA Chocolaterie Confiserie DONAT No. 26 °Sepheriades - Ex-Champion de France d'Aviron° - winner of the Diamond Sculls at Henley Regatta 1946 and European M1X champion at ERC Lucerne 1947
CC GBR 1901 OGDEN'S TAB CIGARETTES °Leading Athletes° - Mr. E. G. Hemmerde (GBR), winner of the Diamond Sculls at Henley Regatta 1900
Card is unnumbered - No. 10 according to the Ogden Reference Book -
CC GBR 1901 OGDEN'S TAB CIGARETTES A series No. 94 - Mr. B. H. Howell (USA), winner of the Diamont Sculls at Henley Regatta 1898 and 1899
CC GBR 1902 OGDEN'S CIGARETTES F series No. 264 °Henley Regatta between Races°
CC GBR 1902 WILL'S Cigarettes °Wingfield Sculls° °Vanity Fair° 2nd series No. 48 - Mr. Guy Nickalls (1866-1935)
M8+ gold medal winner OG London 1908 at the age of 42
23 victories at Henley Royal Regatta 1885-1907, among them Diamond Sculls 1888-1890 and 1893-1894
Winner of the Wingfield Sculls 1887-1889
CC GBR 1910 GALLAHER'S CIGARETTES °English & Scotch Views° No. 73 - Henley Regatta
CC GBR 1924 GALLAHER'S CIGARETTES °British Champions of 1923° No. 29 - Thames RC, winner of the Grand Challenge Cup at Henley Royal Regatta
CC GBR 1924 GALLAHER'S CIGARETTES °British Champions of 1923° No. 33 - M.K. Morris, London RC, winner of the Diamond Sculls at Henley Royal Regatta 1923
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