Identified Athletes - GDR
AC GDR 1966 WERC Amsterdam - W2X gold medal winners Monika Sommer & Ursula Pankraths (GDR)
AC GDR 1966 WERC Amsterdam - W4X+ gold medal winner crew GDR
AC GDR 1966 WRC Bled - M4+ gold medal winner crew GDR
AC GDR 1988 OG Seoul - M1X gold medal winner Thomas Lange (GDR) with his signature
AC GDR 1988 OG Seoul - M4- gold medal winners O. Foerster, R. Brudel, T. Greiner, R. Schroeder (GDR) with their signatures
AC GDR 1988 OG Seoul - M4+ gold medal winners F. Klawonn, B. Niesecke, B. Eichwurzel, K. Schmeling, cox H. Reiher (GDR) with their signatures
AC GDR 1988 OG Seoul - W1X gold medal winner Jutta Behrendt (GDR) with her signature
AC GDR 1988 OG Seoul - W4+ gold medal winners B. Siech, C. Hornig, G. Doberschuetz, M. Walther, cox S. Mueller
CC ESP 1964 NESTLE °Los Juegos Olimpicos 1896-1964° cromo No. 229 OG Tokyo - The three M1X medal winners
Gold medal winner: Viatcheslav Ivanov (URS) 8:22,51 - in the centre
Silver medal winner: Achim Hill (GER) 8:26,24 - on the right
Bronze medal winner: Gottfried Kottmann (SUI) 8:29,68 - on the left
The photo originates from the book "XVIII. Olympische Sommerspiele Tokio 1964
(Burda-Verlag, Bildband Nr.4), p. 45
CC GDR 1976 OG Montreal - M1X gold medal winner Joachim Dreifke (GDR, ASK Vorwaerts Rostock)
CC GDR 1976 OG Montreal - M2X bronze medal winners Hans-Ulrich Schmied & Juergen Bertow (GDR)
CC GDR 1976 OG Montreal - M4+ crew GDR Einheit Dresden, silver medal winner
CC GDR 1976 OG Montreal - W1X gold medal winner Christine Scheiblich (GDR, SC Einheit Dresden)
CC GDR 1976 OG Montreal - W2- silver medal winners Angelika Noack & Sabine Daehne (GDR, SC DHFK Leipzig)
CC GDR 1976 OG Montreal - W2X silver medal winners Sabine Jahn & Petra Boesler (GDR, SC Berlin-Gruenau)
CC GDR 1976 OG Montreal - W4X+ crew GDR, gold medal winner
CC GDR 1982 °Olympioniken der DDR° - M2X gold medal winners OG Moscow 1980 - Joachim Dreifke & Klaus Koeppelien
CC GDR 1983 "Olympioniken der DDR" - M4+ GDR crew, gold medal winner OG Moscow 1980
From left to right: URS (6:19,05 - silver medal), GDR (6:14,51 - gold medal), POL (6:22.52 - bronze medal)
CC GDR 1983 "Olympioniken der DDR" - W8+ GDR crew, gold medal winner OG Moscow 1980
CC GDR 1983 °Olympioniken der DDR° - W4X+ gold medal winners OG Moscow 1980 - Jutta Ploch, Sybille Reinhardt, Jutta Lau, Roswietha Zobelt, cox Liane Buhr
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