Identified Athletes G-H-I
CC NED 1932 OG Los Angeles - M2- second heat and final
M2- second heat: 1. GBR, 2. NZL, 3. NED
The description on the back is not correct:
the image on the left shows the second
heat (same photo as CC GER 1932 OG
Los Angeles M2-) and not the final
M2- final: 1. GBR (H.A. Edwards & L. Clive) 8:00,0
2. NZL (C. Stiles & F. Thompson) 8:02,4
3. POL (H. Budzinski & J. Mikolajczak) 8:08,2
4. NED (G. Roell & P. Roelofsen) 8:08,4
CC NED 1932 OG Los Angeles - M4+ final between GER and ITA
GER:H. Eller, H. Hoeck, W. Meier,
ITA: B. Vattovaz, G. Plazzer, R. Divora,
B. Parovel, cox G. Scherl
Crews of GER and ITA behind the finish line
A spectacular finish saw the Germans win by
30 cm
CC NED 1964 BRIO °Olympische Spelen 1964° Serie F Foto No. F1 - The three M1X medal winners - from left to right - Kottmann (SUI, bronze), Ivanov (URS, gold) and Hill (GDR, silver) on the Toda regatta course at OG Tokyo 1964
CC NED 1964 BRIO °Olympische Spelen° series E Foto No. 1 E - M4+ final at OG Tokyo 1964 with - from top to bottom - GER (gold), ITA (silver) and NED (bronze)
CC SUI 1936 LINDT & SPRUENGLI No. 2176 - OG Berlin - M1X gold medal for G. Schaefer (GER)
CC SUI 1936 LINDT & SPRUENGLI No. 2177 - OG Berlin - M4- gold medal for GER
CC SUI 1968 GLORIA-VERLAG °Mexico 1968° No. 36 - The Italian M2+ gold medal winners Baran & Sambo, cox Cipolla, at the victory cremony
CC SUI 1968 GLORIA-VERLAG °Mexico 1968° No. 37 - The M8+ Olympic champion crew GER after the victory ceremony
From bow to stern: Nico Ott, Joerg Siebert, Egbert Hirschfelder, Lutz Ulbricht, Wolfgang
Hottenrott, Ruediger Henning, Horst Meyer, cox Guenther Tiersch
CC SUI 1972 °Muenchen 1972° Josef Renggli No. 29 - M4- GER crew, bronze medal winner OG Munich
(from left to right):
Peter Funnekoetter,
Hans Held,
Wolfgang Plottke (bow)
Joachim Ehrig (stroke)
CC SUI 1972 °Muenchen 1972° Josef Renggli No. 30 - M4+ crew GER, gold medal winner OG Munich
Alois Bierl (bow),
Gerhard Auer,
Hans-Johann Faerber,
Peter Berger (stroke)
cox Uwe Benter
CC SUI 1972 OG Munich - P. Berger, H.-J. Faerber, G. Auer, A. Bierl, cox U. Benter (GER), M4+ gold medal winner crew
Josef Renggli "Muenchen 1972" page 46
OG Munich M4+ result
Gold medal: GER 6:31,85
Silver medal: GDR 6:33,30
Bronze medal: TCH 6:35,64
CC SUI 1976 GLORIA OG Montreal No. 15 - M1X silver medal winner Peter-Michael Kolbe (GER)
M1X European Champion 1973
M1X World Champion 1975, 1978, 1981, 1983 and 1986
M1X silver medal winner OG Montreal 1976, OG Los Angeles 1984 and OG Seoul 1988
CC SUI 1976 GLORIA OG Montreal No.16 - GDR M4X gold medal winner crew W. Gueldenpfennig, R. Reiche, K.-H. Bussert, M. Wolfgramm
CC SUI 1977 EDITIONS RENCONTRE °Sculling - Karl Adam°
The describtion on the back of this card is wrong in various aspects:
1. Karl Adam was never a German Rowing Champion. He was a coach.
2. His first big win was the M8+ gold medal at the ERC Macon 1959,
followed by the Olympic M8+ gold medal win at Rome 1960 (ending
the uninterrupted succession of eight United States Olympic M8+
victories 1920-1956).
3. The Ratzeburg Rowing Academy was founded in 1965 by the
German Rowing Federation. Karl Adam was its director for the
first ten years.
CC SUI 1979 EDITIONS RENCONTRE LAUSANNE °Sculling - Single Sculls° - Karppinen (FIN) passes Kolbe (GER) in the M1X final at OG Montreal 1976
CC SUI 1979 EDITO-SERVICE GENEVA °Sculling - The Eights° OG Montreal 1976 - GDR M8+ winning the gold medal
Gold medal: GDR (Bernd Baumgart, Gottfried Duhn, Werner Klatt, Hans Joachim Luck,
Dieter Wendisch, Roland Kostulski, Ulrich Karnatz, Karl-Heinz Prudohl,
cox Karl-Heinz Danielowski) 5:58,29
Silver medal: GBR 6:00,82
Bronze medal: NZL 6:03,51
CC USA 1887 ALLEN & GINTER'S °The World's Champions° George Bubear (GBR) #Coll. KA#
Cinderella (tab) PAR 1984 OG Los Angeles depicting P.-M. Kolbe (GER) in his single sculls
Photo from book "Olympische Spiele 1976
Montreal, Innsbruck" by H.J. Friedrichs,
Bertelsmann Verlag, page 84/85
Cinderella AUS - OG Beijing 2008 - LM2X gold medal winners Hunter & Purchase (GBR)
Cinderella AUS - OG Beijing 2008 - M2X gold medal winners Crawshay & Brennan (AUS)
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