Illustrated cards & covers
Illustrated card CRO 2020 with photo of Petar Segvic (YUG), M4- gold medal winner OG Helsinki 1952, and corresponding PM
Cachet AUS 1973 Ranger Jubilee Regatta Narrabeen Lakes March 24-25
FDC ALG 2013 Oct. 18th - 50th anniversary of Algerian Olympic Committee
FDC ALG 2013 Oct. 18th Oran - OG London Rowing Eton Dorney
FDC USA 2022 May 13th Philadelphia - "Women's Rowing" (illustrated cover with drawing of a W1X)
FDC USA 2022 May 13th Philadelphia - "Women's Rowing" (illustrated cover with drawing of a W8+)
Illustrated card AUT 1951 °Dreilaenderkampf im Rudern 1951° (Three countries' rowing match AUT, GER, YUG) with PM
Illustrated card AUT 1976 - WRC for Juniors and Lightweights Villach Aug. 9th-14th (PM & logo)
Illustrated card CHN 2008 OG Beijing - Shunyi Olympic Rowing-Canoeing Park
Illustrated card CRO 2022 - centenary of "Jadran" RC, Rijeka with corresponding PM
Illustrated card CRO 2023 with pictogram and corresponding postmark
Illustrated card CRO 2024 with PM Sept. 12th Zagreb - M2- gold medal winners at OG Paris Martin & Valent Sincovic (CRO)
Illustrated card CZE 1997 with PM CZE June 21st Cesky Brod celebrating the TCH M4+ gold medal crew at OG Helsinki 1952
Illustrated card CZE 2004 with red meter mark °Vaclac Kozak° and photo of Kozak & Schmidt, M2X gold medal winners OG Rome 1960
Illustrated card CZE 2006 with PM °Olympsport 1966-2006 Pavel & Oldrich Svojanovsti° and photo of the brothers in a M2+
Illustrated card CZE 2007 Nov. 1st Prague - Mirka Knapkova (CZE), W1X gold medal winner at ERC Athens 2008, WRC Bled 2011 and ERC Plovdiv Lake BUL 2011
Wrong postmark date: Photo of M. Knapkova with date 2008
Illustrated card CZE 2010 WRC Karapiro - Ondrej Synek (CZE), M1X gold medal winner (with corresponding PM)
Illustrated card CZE 2011 °Mirka Knapkova° (W1X champion WRC Bled 2011) with PM Prague Oct. 3rd and photo
Illustrated card CZE 2012 °Ondrej Synek (CZE)° - M1X silver medal winner at OG London (with PM Prague Aug. 24th and photo)
Illustrated card CZE 2013 with stamp tag and PM Praha June 8th - regatta centenary
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