Internat. Championships - 1921 - 1930
Label BEL 1930 ERC Liege
PC FRA 1922 ERC Barcelona - M4+ gold medal winner crew Cercle Nautique du Rhin Strasbourg
Kirmann, Lehmann, Metzelaire,Schlewer,
cox Lapipe
Quote from The FISA Centenary Book (p. 54):
4+: 1. FRA 2. SUI 3. BEL 4. NED
Having been slightly outpaced in the preliminary heat,
the Frenchmen from Stasbourg avenged themselves
brilliantly. The "Cercle Nautique du Rhin" proved to be
very tough adversaries, rowing with perfect rhythm.
Their final spurt was remarkable.
PM ITA 1927 Sept. 11th Pallanza advertising the Universities' World rowing Championships #Coll. JE#
PM POL 1929 Aug. 18th Bydgoszcz - ERC #Coll. JE#
PM TCH 1925 Aug. 9th ERC Prague
The traditional 7 events appear for the first time
on the program for the European Championships
Poster POL 1929 ERC Bydgoszcz
Poster POL 1929 ERC Bydgoszcz (reproduction)
Poster SUI 1924 ERC Zurich (image on postcard 1986)
Stamp SVK 2013 June 7th (personalized issue) with Belgian poster of ERC Liege 1930 on tab