Internat. Championships - 1968
CC FRA 1979 Editions Rencontre - Renée Camu (FRA), W1X silver medal winner at WERC 1963 Moscow, 1965 Duisburg and 1968 Berlin-Gruenau
CC GER 1968 Rheinischer Braunkohlenbrikett-Verkauf GmbH °Olympische Spiele 1968° series 3 No. 41 - M8+ GER crew, gold medal winner
FDC GDR 1968 June 6th Berlin - WERC 1968 Berlin-Gruenau
PC GER 1968 - OG Mexico - Coxless fours at the start
PM GDR 1968 June 6th Berlin - WERC Berlin-Gruenau (FDC-PM)
Stamp GDR 1968 June 6th - WERC Berlin (perforated & imperforated proofs)
MI 1373
SC 1013
SG E 1094
YV 1069
imperforated proofs
Imperforated proofs are very rare - about 10 of each are believed to exist
Stamp GDR 1968 WERC Berlin on cover with arrival PM on back (left) + with corresponding PM (right)