Internat. Championships - 1981 - 1990
Badge GDR 1985 JWRC Brandenburg
Book AUS 1990 °Blades Down Under° by Ian Winter - The Official Record of the WRC 1990 Lake Barrington, Tasmania
Button AUS 1990 WRC Lake Barrinton Tasmania (Mascot)
Button NED 1986 2nd Universities' International Rowing Championships Boosbaan Amsterdam
CC CHN 1990 XIth Asian Summer Games Beijing
CC ITA 1968 PANINI °Campioni dello Sport 1967-68° No. 123 - Primo Baran & Renzo Sambo, cox Bruno Cipolla (ITA), M2+ gold medal winners ERC Copenhagen and M2+ Olympic champions OG Mexico 1968 Canottaggio M2+ D.F. Treviso°
CC ITA 1987 PANINI °Supersport° No. 200 - Steve Redgrave & Andy Holmes (GBR), Olympic champions M2- at OG Seoul 1988, gold medal winners M2- WRC Copenhagen 1987
CC ITA 1988 PANINI °Supersport° No. 099 - Guiseppe & Carmine Abbagnale, cox Guiseppe Di Capua (ITA), M2+ Olympic champions OG Los Angeles 1984 and OG Seoul 1988, gold medal winners WRC 1981-82, 1985, 1987-91
CC ITA 2016 PANINI "Italia Olympic Team Rio 2016" No. 290 - Carmine & Guiseppe Abbagnale (ITA) with their cox Guiseppe di Capua
CC ITA PANINI Supersport 1988 No. 103 - URS crew Kotko, Ivanov, Kiniakin & Dosenko, M4X gold medal winners WRC Nottingham 1986 + WRC Copenhagen 1987
CC ITA PANINI Supersport 1988 No. 104 - Alberto Belgeri & Igor Pescialli (ITA), gold medal winners M2X WRC Nottingham 1986
CC NED 1992 - quartet Nederlands Olympisch Comite - Frans Goebel (NED), World champion LM1X 1989 + 1990
CC NED 1992 quartet Nederlands Olympisch Comite - Frans Goebel (NED), LM1X world champion 1989 + 1990
CC NED 1992 quartet Nederlands Olympisch Comite - Nico Rienks (NED), Olympic champion M2X (with Ronald Florijn) OG Seoul 1988 and M8+ OG Atlanta 1996
CC USA 1990 Sports Illustrated for Kids No. 179 - Kris Karlson (USA), gold medal winner LW1X WRC 1988 Milan + WRC 1989 Bled, also LW2X WRC 1989 Bled together with Carey Beth Sands
FDC AUS 1990 Oct. 26th WRC Tasmania (Stationary)
FDC DEN 1987 Aug. 27th - WRC Copenhagen
FDC MONTSERRAT 1988 July 29th - OG Seoul
FDC NED 1992 Febr. 4th - OG Barcelona (SS + single stamps)
FDC YUG 1989 Sept. 2nd Bled
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