Internat. Championships - 1991 - 2000
PM GRE 1991 June 28th Ioannina - Mediterranean Games - Logo of Hellenic Rowing Federation
PM GRE 1993 July 24th Ioannina - JWRC
PM HUN 1996 Sept. 13th Velence - 23rd FISA Masters Regatta Budapest '96 Lake Velence
PM ITA 1991 July 26th Naro - Coppa Europa Canottaggio = Nations Cup U 23
PM ITA 1997 July 27th Segrate - The Nations Cup '97 = International U 23 championships
PM ITA 1997 June 15th Bari - 13th Mediterranean Games Rowing finals
PM NOR 1993 Aug. 4th As - JWRC
PM USA 1994 Sept. 12th Indianapolis WRC
Program AUT 1991 WRC Vienna
Registered letter AUT 1991 Aug. 20th - WRC Vienna (FDC)
Registered letter GER 1998 Febr. 5th with MS GER 1998 WRC Cologne (FDC)
Stamp ALB 1997 July 17th - Mediterranean Games Bari
MI 2625
SC 2539
Stamp AUT 1991 Aug. 20th - WRC Vienna
MI 2036
SC 1544
YV 1865
There were no 4X+ crews competing
Stamp BDI 2022 (unauthorized issue) - Georgeta Damian-Andrunache (ROU)
Stamp BDI 2022 (unauthorized issue) - James Bruce Tomkins (AUS)
J. B. Tomkins is a three-time Olympic gold medallist and a seven-time World Champion
OG Barcelona 1992 (M4-) OG Atlanta 1996 (M4-) OG Athens 2004 (M2-)
World Champion Nottingham 1986 (M8+), Tasmania 1990 (M4-), Vienna 1991 (M4-),
Cologne 1998 (M4+ and M2+), St. Catharines 1999 (M2-), Milan 2003 (M2-)
Stamp BDI 2022 (unauthorized issue) - Kathleen Joan Heddle 1965-2021 (CAN)
OG Barcelona 1992 W2- gold medal
OG Barcelona 1992 W8+ gold medal
OG Atlanta 1996 W2X gold medal
WRC Vienna 1991 W2- gold medal
WRC Vienna 1991 W8+ gold medal
WRC Tampere 1995 W2X gold medal
Stamp BDI 2022 (unauthorized issue) - Steve Redgrave (GBR)
Steve Redgrave won five Olympic gold medals at five consecutive Olympic Games:
Los Angeles 1984 (M4+), Seoul 1988 (M2-), Barcelona 1992 (M2-), Atlanta 1996 (M2-) and Sydney 2000 (M4-).
He also won nine gold medals at World Rowing Championships: WRC Nottingham 1986 (M2+), WRC Copenhagen
1987 (M2-), WRC Vienna 1991 (M2-), WRC Radice 1993 (M2-), WRC Indianapolis 1994 (M2-), WRC Tampere
1995 (M2-), WRC Aiguebelette 1997 (M4-), WRC Cologne 1998 (M4-) and WRC St. Catharines 1999 (M4-).
He competed at Henley Royal Regatta for more than two decades winning 17 times in five different events,
among them the Diamond Sculls.
Stamp booklet INA 1997 Sept. 9th - 19th South East Asian (SEA) Games Jakarta with mascot °Hanoman° on right margin
MI MH 17
SC 1720b
Stamp BRA 1991 March 20th - Pan American Games and OG Barcelona
MI 2405
SC 2307
YV 2010
MI 2404-06
SC 2306-08 = 2308a
Stamp CAN 1999 Aug. 22nd WRC St. Catharines
MI 1786
SC 1805
SG 1918
YV 1672
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