Internat. Championships - WRC
Illustrated card CZE 2010 WRC Karapiro - Ondrej Synek (CZE), M1X gold medal winner (with corresponding PM)
Illustrated card CZE 2011 °Mirka Knapkova° (W1X champion WRC Bled 2011) with PM Prague Oct. 3rd and photo
Illustrated card GER 1981 WRC Munich Aug. 26th - Sept. 6th with stamp and logo-PM
Illustrated card JPN 2005 WRC Gifu
Illustrated card KOR 2013 WRC Chungju
Illustrated cover CRO 2003 with corresponding PM & cinderella - Mirna Rajle Brodanac, LW1X silver medal winner at WRC Milan
Illustrated cover CRO 2011 - WRC Lake Karapiro with photo of M4X CRO, gold medal winner, and corresponding PM CRO 2011 Febr 22nd Zagreb
Illustrated cover CZE 1993 WRC Racice
Illustrated cover FRA 1997 WRC Aiguebelette with stamp and PM
Illustrated cover GBR 2006 WRC Eton Dorney
Illustrated cover GER 2003 WRC Milano
Illustrated cover NZL 1978 Nov. 5th WRC Lake Karapiro with cachet °Last day cover°
Illustrated cover NZL 1978 Oct. 30th WRC Lake Karapiro with cachet °Wellesley Philatelic Society°
Illustrated cover SLO 2011 WRC Bled with stamp and PM
Illustrated cover SUI 1982 - WRC Lucerne
Illustrated cover YUG 1966 Sept. 8th Bled WRC - stamps cancelled by PM with logo of the event
Label ESP 2002 WRC Sevilla
Label GER 1998 WRC Cologne (logo)
Label NED 1977 WRC Amsterdam
Leaflet BEL 1985 WRC Hazewinkel
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