Poster SUI 1920 International Regatta Lugano (image on magnet)
Poster SUI 1921 Swiss national championships at Neuchatel (image on magnet)
Poster SUI 1925 International Regatta Zurich (image on magnet)
Poster SUI 1926 International Regatta Lugano (image on magnet)
Poster SUI 1929 Swiss national championships & International Regatta Lugano (image on magnet)
Poster SUI 1932 Swiss Rowing Championships at Neuchatel (image on magnet)
Poster SUI 1959 International Regatta Lucerne (image on magnet)
Poster URS 1935 °Summersport° (image on magnet)
Poster USA 1940 °Super Kant-Nock Gasoline° (image on magnet)
Unusual rigger arrangement
(stroke rows on bowside)
Stroke rows on bowside
Pottery AUS 1990 WRC Tasmania
Tie clip JPN JARA
JARA = Japan Amateur Rowing Association
Tin box GBR Grumbridge with image of London Transport poster °Boat Race 1924°
Tin box SUI Laeckerli-Huus Basel
Tosho card JPN 2010 Sept. 23rd - Regatta ... 60th anniversary
Japanese Tosho cards are prepaid cards for buying books and stationary
Very small tin box for MINI-TONIC pills (made in FRA)
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