Olympic Regattas - 1996 Atlanta
Medal USA 1996 OG Atlanta - 22 g silver 999 PP
Medal USA 1996 OG Atlanta with Olympic pictogram No. 9
PC FRA 1996 OG Atlanta - M4- crew FRA, silver medal winner
B. Verten, G. Bosquet,
D. Fauche, O. Moncelet
PC FRA 1996 OG Atlanta - M4- silver medal crew FRA
PC GBR 1996 OG Atlanta - Steve Redgrave
PC ROU 2020 OG Atlanta 1996 - Derek Porter (CAN), M1X silver medal winner - reprint
PC ROU 2020 OG Atlanta 1996 - M1X victory ceremony with D. Porter (CAN), X. Mueller (SUI) and T. Lange (GER) - reprint
PC ROU 2020 OG Atlanta 1996 - Thomas Lange (GER), M1X bronze medal winner - reprint
PC ROU 2020 OG Atlanta 1996 - Xeno Mueller (SUI), M1X gold medal winner - reprint
PC USA Painting John Gable °Lake Lanier, the Olympic rowing venue° 1996
Pin CAN 1996 OG Atlanta - McDonald's Corporation
Pin GER 1996 OG Atlanta Coca-Cola with Olympic pictogram No. 9
The Coca-Cola Company has its headquarters
in Atlanta (Georgia) and was a major sponsor
of the 1996 Games
Pin RUS 1994 OG Atlanta - Russian Rowing Team
Russian Olympic Committee
limited edition 1000
Pin SUI 1996 OG Atlanta - NOC Swiss Rowing team
Pin UKR 1996 OG Atlanta with Olympic rings and Olympic pictogram No. 9
Pin USA 1995 °Rowing for the gold in Atlanta° - W8+ USA national rowing team
Pin USA 1996 OG Atlanta - blue globe with Olympic pictogram No. 9
Pin USA 1996 OG Atlanta - Centennial Olympic Games - Lake Lanier, site of Olympic Rowing (mascot)
Pin USA 1996 OG Atlanta - Coca-Cola with Olympic pictogram No. 9
Pin USA 1996 OG Atlanta - Kodak, official sponsor
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