Olympic Regattas - 2012 London
Stamp GBR 2012 Jan. 12th OG London (self-adhesive postage label) with small red Olympic pictogram No. 13
Stamp GBR 2012 Sept. 4th - Paralympic Games London - LTAMix4+ gold medal for P. Relph, N. Riches, J. Roe & D. Smith, cox L. van den Broecke (GBR)
MI 3336
SC 3086
SG 3381
YV 3729
Stamp GBR 2012 UNIVERSAL MAIL UK °Celebration of Sport° OG London (self-adhesive)
Stamp GBR-IOM 2012 Jan. 1st OG London
Stamp GBR-IOM 2012 Jan. 1st OG London SS (two complete sets se-tenant)
SC 1475
Stamp GBS 2011 Sept. 27th SS - OG London
MI Bl. 1003 -
Stamp GEQ (unauthorized) depicting Zag Purchase & Mark Hunter (GBR), LM2X gold medal winners OG Beijing 2008
This LM2X pair also won the silver medal
at OG London 2012
Stamp GEQ SS unauthorized & undated issue depicting Katherine Grainger (GBR), W2X gold medal winner OG London 2012
Stamp GEQ SS unauthorized & undated issue depicting Mahe Drysdale (NZL), M1X Olympic champion OG London 2012 and OG Rio de Janeiro 2016
Stamp GEQ unauthorized & undated issue depicting Andrew Triggs Hodge & Peter Reed (GBR), three times Olympic champions 2008 (M4-), 2012 (M4-) and 2016 (M8+)
Gold medal wins
2005 WRC Gifu M4-
2006 WRC Eton M4-
2008 OG Beijing M4-
2012 OG London M4-
2013 WRC Chungju M8+
2014 WRC Amsterdam
2016 OG Rio de Janeiro
Stamp GEQ unauthorized & undated issue depicting Miroslava Knapkova (CZE), W1X Olympic champion OG London 2012
W1X gold medal WRC Bled 2011
W1X gold medal OG London 2012
W1X gold medal ERC 2011, 2013, 2014 & 2015
Stamp GEQ unauthorized & undated issue depicting Rasmus Quist & Mads Rasmussen (DEN), LM2X gold medal winners at OG London 2012
Stamp GER 2012 Deutsche Sporthilfe - M4X gold medal win for Tim Grohmann, Lauritz Schoof, Phillipp Wende & Karl Schulze (GER) at OG London
Stamp GER 2012 Deutsche Sporthilfe - M8+ gold medal win for the °Deutschland-Achter° at OG London
Stamp GER 2012 Deutsche Sporthilfe OG London - booklet °M8+ gold medal win for GER° with two self-adhesive stamps
Stamp GER 2013 Sept. 16th LZV POST (Leipzig) - Annekatrin Thiele
Stamp GER 2016 Aug. 25th LVZ-Post (Leipzig) - Annekatrin Thiele
Stamp GER 2016 Aug. 25th LVZ-Post (Leipzig) - Tim Grohmann
Stamp GUI 2012 Dec. 17th (perforated & imperforated) - gold medal winners at OG London
Stamp GUI 2012 Dec. 17th (perforated & imperforated) - OG London M4X gold medal winner crew GER
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