Paintings & Prints
Print GBR °The Boat Race at Putney° by Rachel Hunt (on folded greetings card)
Putney Embankment with row of boathouses Lodon RC
Vesta RC
Thames RC
Imperial College BC
Print GBR 1868 °The Race for the Championship of the Thames - the Start°
James Renforth (GBR) versus Harry Kelley (GBR) Nov. 17th, 1868
The umpire stands upright in the bow of an eight
Print GBR 1882 Boat Race °Oxford begins to lead° (The Illustrated London News Apr. 8th, 1882)
Cambridge Oxford -
Print GBR 1882 THE GRAPHIC °Victory - The Oxford & Cambridge Boat Race° (reprint on folded greeting card USA)
The 39th Boat Race took place on April 1st 1882. Oxford won by 7 lenghts. -
Print GBR 1908 °Vanity Fair° magazine - Raymond B. Etherington-Smith (GBR), M8+ gold medal winner OG London 1908, president of Cambridge University BC 1899, winner of the Boat Race 1899 + 1900 (reprint)
Print GBR 1910 °The World° magazine - Duncan Mackinnon, M4- gold medal winner OG London 1908 and winner of the Boat Race 1909,1910 and 1911 for Oxford (reprint)
D. Mackinnon also won five times at Henley Royal regatta in various competitions
Print GBR 1910 °The World° magazine - E. G. Williams, president of Cambridge University BC and winner of the Boat Race 1908 (reprint)
Print GBR 1911 "PUNCH" magazine July 15th, page 16
Print GBR 1934 "Punch" magazine March 14th °Number five recognises a friend°
Print GER - G. Schaefer (GER), M1X gold medal winner OG Berlin 1936
Boatbuilder PIRSCH booklet 1938
M1X result OG Berlin 1936
Gold medal: GER 8:21,5
Silver medal: AUT 8:25,8
Bronze medal: USA 8:28,0
Print GER - H. Adamski & G. Gustmann, cox D. Arend (GER), M2+ gold medal winners OG Berlin 1936
Boatbuilder PIRSCH booklet 1938
M2+ result OG Berlin 1936
Gold medal: GER 8:36,9
Silver medal: ITA 8:49,7
Bronze medal: FRA 8:54,0
Print GER - H. Podesta & J. Curatella (ARG), M2- bronze medal winners OG Berlin 1936
Boatbuilder PIRSCH booklet 1938
Print GER - Henley Royal Regatta Grand Challenge Cup winner crew Wiking Berlin (GER)
Boatbuilder PIRSCH booklet 1938
Print GER - M8+ final OG Berlin 1936
Boatbuilder PIRSCH booklet 1938
M8+ result OG Berlin 1936
Gold medal: USA 6:25,4
Silver medal: ITA 6:26,0
Bronze medal: GER 6:26,4
Print GER - W. Eichhorn & H. Strauss (GER), M2- gold medal winners OG Berlin 1936
Boatbuilder PIRSCH booklet 1938
M2- result OG Berlin 1936
Gold medal: GER 8:16,1
Silver medal: DEN 8:19,2
Bronze medal: ARG 8:23,0
Print GER - W. Kaidel & J. Pirsch (GER), M2X silver medal winners OG Berlin 1936
Boatbuilder PIRSCH booklet 1938
M2X result OG Berlin 1936
Gold medal: GBR 7:20,8
Slver medal: GER 7:26,2,
Bronze medal: POL 7:36,2
Print USA - Detroit Boat Club - coloured drawing of boathouse (completed 1902) on folded greeting card
Print USA 1984 OG Los Angeles - Art exhibition
Litho °Regate et Chapeau a Plumes° by Auguste Donnay (BEL, 1862-1921) This print references a regatta
on the River Meuse 1897
Stamp AFG 2001 - Painting °The Seine at the Isle of Grande Jatte in the Spring° 1887 by Georges Seurat
The souvenir sheet is presumably
a private (non-official) issue, and
thus the stamp can be regarded
as a cinderella or poster stamp with
no real value for franking.
Stamp BEL 2001 June 11th - Painting °Sunday° (1924) by Frits van den Berghe (1883-1939)
MI 3056
SC 1857c
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