Paintings & Prints
PC FRA Painting °Henley Regatta° by Raoul Dufy (1877-1953)
PC FRA Painting °Les canotiers à Nogent° (1925) by Raoul Dufy (1877-1953)
PC FRA Painting °Nogent-sur Seine° by Raoul Dufy (1877-1953)
PC FRA Painting °Regatta at Henley -The oarsmen° (1937) by Raoul Dufy (1877-1953)
PC GBR °Henley Eight° by Annabel Eyres
PC GBR 2010 °The Fourth of June, Windsor° (Detail) - Coloured line engraving by W. Cox from a painting by A. H. Wardlow
PC GBR Boat Race 1981 - Oxford wins with first woman cox Susan Brown (silk embroidery crafts by Joyce Gooding) - PU 1996
PC GBR Painting °Evening return at Henley Regatta° by T. Easton
PC GBR painting °Maidenhead Regatta 1932° by Sir John Lavery (1856-1941)
PC GBR Painting °Oar collecting at Henley Regatta° (1995) by T. Easton
PC GBR Painting °The Crow's Nest at Henley Regatta° by T. Easton
PC GBR Painting Royal Series London (M4- race, probably Henley)
PC GER - Painting °Das Rudern° by Siegfried Kratochwil (AUT, 1916-2005)
PC GER 1985 - Painting °Anrudern° by Irmgard v. Oertel - Muenchener Ruder- und Segelverein °Bayern°
PC GER 1994 Painting °Improvisation 26 (Oars)° by Wassily Kandinsky (1912)
PC GER Bremer RC "Hansa" - watercolour drawing of boathouse by Schoenfeld
PC GER Lithographic print °The Ratzeburg 8+° (1973) by A. Paul Weber (1893-1980)
PC GER Painting °Bridge at Hampton Court° by Alfred Sisley (1839-1899)
PC GER Painting °Daemmerung mit Sich° (= twilight with himself) 1996 by Oliver Jordan (GER, born 1958)
PC GER TUCK'S °OILETTE° series °Rudersport° No. 975
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